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Fade in to a long shot of the stage in the Canterlot High gym and zoom in slowly. Hushed murmurs of conversation float through the room, and the area immediately in front of the stage has been cleared to make room for a table and two chairs facing the setup. The camera is placed just above/behind the heads of the first row of the audience. Celestia speaks into a microphone, her voice amplified by the sound system.)

Celestia: Welcome to the first-ever Canterlot High School Battle of the Bands! (Close-up.) I believe I speak for everyone when I say it is by far the greatest thing we have ever done here at this school! (Cheers from all sides.) We are so glad our three newest students encouraged us to turn this event into something exciting!

(On this last sentence, she gestures off to one side and the camera cuts to the Dazzlings lounging at the top of the bleacher seats. The camera then cuts back to the stage, where Luna takes the mic.)

Luna: But as this is now a competition, we can only choose one winner. (Cut to the crowd; she continues o.s.) Who is it going to be?

Angry grumbles fly here and there and several close-range face-offs erupt; all the while, the eddies of green bad-mojo mist swirl through the room and make their way toward the Dazzlings. Just as at the kickoff party, they relax and let it flow into their pendants for a few seconds.

Adagio: You feel that, girls? Our true power is being restored.

Aria and Sonata giggle venomously as the gym doors open to admit the Rainbooms, including their newest members, along with Sunset and Spike.

A gesture from Adagio cuts off the merrymaking; cut to a slow pan across the ill-at-ease ensemble.

Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Rarity have their instruments out and ready to play, Pinkie carries her sticks, and Twilight clutches Fluttershy’s notebook to herself.

Adagio: (from o.s.) And that’s before we’ve tapped into the strongest magic here.  (Cut to Aria.)

Aria: But the Rainblossoms, or whatever they’re called, aren’t under our spell. (Zoom out to frame Adagio on the end of this.) How exactly are we supposed to get to their magic?

Adagio: The Rainbooms are just as capable of falling apart as anyone else. (smiling) They just need a little push in the wrong direction. (Overhead shot of the band, walking in; she continues o.s.) I have a feeling everyone here is going to be lining up to give them a shove.

Snails: Aw, yeah! Snips and Snails in the house, yo!

Snips: They call me MC Snips, and it ain’t no lie
My favorite food is, like, pumpkin pie

Snails:I’m DJ Snazzy Snails, I like whales
When I go to the beach, I always bring my pails

Cut to Sunset, Spike, and the Rainbooms in the wings.

Pinkie grooves to what passes for the beat, but none of the others can believe this crime against all things hip-hop.

Another short spell of beatboxing from Snips before he starts his next verse.

Snips:Everybody knows my favorite color is orange

He jumps ahead into a squat and leans out over the front edge of the stage.

My rhymes are so fly, you better…uh…um…

Snails:Than an orange, yo




More beatboxing, which fails to get any favorable reaction from Celestia, Luna, or quite a few other contenders. The next two lines overlap.

Snips:What do we…what do we do now?.…no, no

Snails:How do we get off the stage? I’d like to leave right now

Cut to the Dazzlings up in the bleachers. As Snips does some more beatboxing, Adagio and Aria stifle a guffaw and Sonata bobs her head to the sloppy rhythm.

Snips: Bam! That just happened! (Next two lines overlap slightly.)

Snails: Aw, yeah! We out!

Snips: Snips and Snails outta here!

They finish by standing back to back, holding their microphones out at arm’s length with heads down, and dropping them onto the stage.

The impact sends up a shrill whine of feedback that sets the crew in the wings to wincing and covering their ears.

Celestia: (icily) Please do not drop the microphones.

Snails: Yeah! (He high-fives Snips.)

Snips: Bam!

The two hopelessly inept rappers pick up the dropped items with a laugh and clear off the stage, passing the Rainbooms and company.

Snips: In your face, Rainbooms! (Cut to Applejack, Rainbow, and Sunset.)

Applejack: (to the others) ’Least we know one group who won’t stand in the way of us gettin’ to the finals.

Rainbow: Let’s get ready to rock!

Pinkie: (from o.s.) Wait! (Longer shot, framing all.) Where’s Rarity? (The missing member’s yelp is heard.)

Rarity: (from o.s.) Here! I’m here!

Zoom out to put her legs in the foreground as she steps into view and away from the camera with a relieved sigh, accompanied by a metallic jingling sound.

Seen from behind, she has changed into short, light brown platform shoes; the material of her skirt is purple, its hem a lighter shade, and covering it is a long, light brown coat whose hem and sleeves are hung with small metal strips.

The shoes are similarly adorned.

She has traded her usual gold bracelets for a pair with small studs.

Cut to a close-up of her feet and tilt up; the shoes are actually sandals, and she has added a gold pendant and a light brown headband to the outfit.

The only “regular use” item visible is her light blue blouse. A toss of her head is met by dumbfounded stares from the others.

Rarity: (irked) We will be performing in front of an audience. (running hand down one sleeve’s decorations) I’m not going to wear something fabulous? Hmph!

Applejack just groans loudly and pinches the bridge of her nose to express her supreme frustration. Clock wipe to a slow pan across the gym floor, framing the muttering participants and onlookers.

Among them are the Crusaders, who have adopted the outfits and hairstyles used by their pony counterparts in “The Show Stoppers.” From here, cut to the stage, where the Rainbooms are set up and ready to do their thing.

My little pony:Rainbow Rocks(Oc inserted)Where stories live. Discover now