
7 1 0

Cut to Flash standing in front of the diagram, which is mounted on a rolling whiteboard; he shakes his fists in silent anger as his bandmates glare from a few steps back, then stalks away.

A wipe shifts the scene to the Rainbooms backstage; Pinkie has her sticks, Twilight the notebook, the others their instruments.

Sunset stands with them, smiling with fierce confidence.

Sunset: This is it. Last round, and you’re in the finals— (to Twilight) —unless you think the counter-spell is ready to be played now.

The amateur songwriter huddles miserably into herself.

Rose: Don’t worry, Sis. (Cut to a slow pan across her and the other four.) Finals aren’t until tonight. We’ll get in a little more practice before we’re supposed to hit the stage. We won’t let you down.

(Nods and sounds of agreement from the others, but Twilight just turns partly away from them in close-up.)

Twilight: (to herself) You won’t let me down. (Zoom out slightly; Sunset and Rose are looking on with concern.)

Fluttershy: (from o.s.) Um, I was just wondering. (Cut to her and Rainbow.) We haven’t played any of my songs yet, and…

Rainbow: (touching her shoulder) It’s the semifinals. (punching it gently) We gotta do “Awesome As I Wanna Be.”

Fluttershy: (crushed) Don’t know why I even asked.

Reggae-like guitar/synth line fades up, with electronic drum track
Leisurely 4 (A minor)

Trixie sings lead, with the other Illusions providing backing vocals on certain words

Illusions: I got tricks up my sleeve

(Dissolve to the trio onstage, mid-performance.)

See me dominate ’cause I’m powerful and great

Song ends

The spotlights bathe the girls in a blinding glare, to the sound of cheers; they strike a final pose and Trixie throws her guitar pick toward the crowd.

It lands on the table in front of Celestia and Luna, who smile and applaud, Celestia laughing as well.

Celestia: Fantastic!

The spots are switched off, restoring normal illumination, and the Illusions straighten up.

Cut to the Rainbooms waiting backstage; Trixie steps over to face down a decidedly unimpressed Rainbow with a contemptuous little laugh. She has shed her guitar.

Trixie: You’re never gonna top that performance, Rain-goons. (accusingly) You shouldn’t be allowed to, when you have such a big advantage over the rest of us.

Rainbow: My superior guitar playing and off-the-charts awesome singing voice?

Trixie: Oh, don’t be ridiculous. (pointing to one side) I mean them!

(Pan quickly to follow her gesture and stop on Twilight and Rose, who blushes mightily and scratches at the back of their neck.)

Trixie: (from o.s.) If you were really all that, Rainbow Dash— (Cut back to her and Rainbow.) —you wouldn’t have needed to bring in some magical ringer to have half a chance. Everyone’s talking about it.

My little pony:Rainbow Rocks(Oc inserted)Where stories live. Discover now