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(She eats the dab of sweet stuff, not noticing that a bit of if has landed on her cheek, and smiles pass between Twilight, Rarity, and Sunset.)

Twilight: (wiping Pinkie’s face with napkin)

Rose:Alright then..Looks like we’ve got a party to crash.

Big squeaky grin from her frizzy-haired friend. Dissolve to the school gym, now filled with twos and threes of students who are keeping their distance from each other and shooting plenty of nasty looks.

The big eight are standing near a refreshment table at one side; Fluttershy is no longer carrying Spike.

Featherweight and a couple of his techie friends throw a hairy eyeball across the way, a quick pan framing Trixie’s trio on the receiving end, and another pan shows the Crusaders in an equally sour mood, throwing squint-eyed glares at a passing student.

As Pinkie stuffs her face, a cut to the area in front of the stage and slow pan frame more aspiring rock stars: a trio led by Photo, Snails throwing his arms down at them and being thoroughly ignored, and Snips posturing in front of an irked Flash as if to say, “What you got?” The blue-haired guitarist pulls an arm back past two of his rocker buddies as if to throw a punch—and then whips it forward, snatching up a drink cup.

Flash: (groaning, walking off) I’m gonna get more punch.

(Neither he nor Rose is paying attention to where they are going, and the resulting collision dumps both their cups across the floor and leaves her supported by one of his arms.)

Flash: (flabbergasted) Rose?

Rose: (blushing, laughing nervously) Bumped…into…always…doing? (He stands her up.)

Flash: What are you doing here? You came back for the big competition, right?

Rose: Something like that.

Flash: Heh. Not that there’s gonna be any real competition. (pointing to himself) No one here wants this as bad as my band does.

Rose: Can you excuse me for just a minute?

She ducks o.s., Flash turning away with annoyance writ large across his features, and all of the other girls except Pinkie step off from the snack spread.

This last one hangs back long enough to get a cookie in each hand to go with the one still in her mouth; she lodges the two extras in her hair and hurries after the others, only to have them fall right back out.

The Dazzlings stop in the middle of the floor, Adagio smugly running her eyes over the collection of bad vibes, and the camera cuts/pans here and there to show just how much disunity has taken hold.

Adagio: (from o.s., mock dismay) Oh, no! No one’s mingling! (Close-up to her, smiling nastily.) It’s like there’s some kind of underlying tension that could bubble to the surface at any minute.

On the start of the next line, zoom out slightly to frame Aria and Sonata behind her; the ponytailed airhead is holding a cup and eyeing it worriedly.

Sonata: It’s the fruit punch, isn’t it? (briefly lifting a bottle of apple juice) I knew I used too much grape juice!

Aria rolls her eyes wearily; Adagio slumps on her feet.

Adagio: (hand to forehead) It’s not the fruit punch, it’s us!

Aria: (to Sonata) But the punch is awful too.

My little pony:Rainbow Rocks(Oc inserted)Where stories live. Discover now