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Zoom out slowly from her determined countenance, then dissolve to a close-up of her standing at a microphone with Fluttershy’s notebook under one arm.

She is back in her school clothes, as will be everyone else when seen next.

pretend Rose is singing some of the line

Now the six-string slinger’s other pony ear peeks out from the wild multicolored hair; she looks around, gets nothing from the other five, and sullenly lets the last note die out and the ears wink away. Cut to Spike and Sunset.

Spike: (hesitantly, trying to smile) Uh…that sounded way better than the…last five times you played it.  (Chuckle; Macintosh passes outside the window, carrying a basket of apples.)

Macintosh: Nn-nope. (Spike les off an unsettled little whine.)

Rainbow: I think it’s pretty obvious what’s going wrong with this counter-spell. (Cut to Applejack and Rarity, both good and sore.)

Applejack: You’re turnin’ what should be the chorus into a five-minute guitar solo? (To Rainbow.)

Rainbow: I have to pick up the slack somehow! Are you guys even trying? (Fluttershy slips in behind her.)

Fluttershy: I’m trying.

Twilight: (from o.s.) It’s fine. (Pan to her, holding up the notebook and laughing nervously.) It’ll be fine. (with renewed fire) One more time from the top!

Her big grin is matched by exactly none of the other five instrumentalists. Rarity has put down her keytar.

Rose: (stepping past Applejack, pushing aside) Or, we could take a short break—

Rarity then says this

Rariry: Or try on some of the wardrobe choices I’ve put together?

She reaches o.s. on the end of this, wheeling a rack of bagged garments in front of herself, and rummages among them.

Rarity: I’m particularly fond of this one.

A shove sends the rack away and exposes the hot pink drum-major jacket she has put on, with gold braid and trim; the tails flare out to make room for her skirt.

Rarity: Uh, of course we could always go with something a bit more modern. (Cut to Applejack.)

Applejack: We’re tryin’ to save our school here. Enough with the costumes!

A longer shot frames Rarity in a new outfit: a yellow full-body jumpsuit, edged in dark gray at sleeve/pant cuffs, with black gloves and a helmet that covers everything from the neck up except for her hair streaming out the back.

Her face is hidden by an electronic screen that displays a scrolling pattern of the three diamonds from her skirt.

She utters an incredulous little scoff, her voice slightly amplified/distorted by the helmet’s sound system.

Rarity: You can never have enough costumes! (Cut to Pinkie.)

Pinkie: She just wants to make things fun. (grouchy, slumping over drums) Isn’t that what being in a band is supposed to be? (She plays a sting.)

Sunset: You don’t have time for any of this. (thumbing toward outside) You’re supposed to check in at the Battle of the Bands in fifteen minutes!

Varied gasps and exclamations from the six musicians, followed by a disorganized rush toward the door.

Rarity is out of her jumpsuit.

Only Twilight keeps her feet rooted to the floor.

Twilight: But… (Pinkie yanks her microphone away; zoom in slowly.) …but it’s not ready! If we play the counter-spell in the first round and it doesn’t work, the Sirens will know what we’re up to and make sure we don’t get a chance to play it again!

Everyone slams on the brakes and turns back to face her. A long pause; then Applejack smiles.

Applejack: Then we’ll have to buy ourselves some time so you can keep workin’ on it.

Rarity: And how do you propose we do that?

Rainbow: We compete in the Battle of the Bands for real. Me and Rose take over lead vocals, and we stay alive until the finals. We unleash the counter-spell.

Rose:(Cut to an uneasy Twilight; she continues o.s.) You’ll have figured it out by the finals, right Twi?

Ground level; Spike trots over next to the argyle-booted legs.

Spike: (patting one) Of course she will. Twilight Sparkle’s never met a problem she couldn’t solve. (addressing himself upward) Right, Twilight? (Tilt up to her.)

Twilight: (forcing a big grin) Right!

Rainbow: Then let’s go win us a Battle of the Bands!

The rush out the door picks up right where it left off, leaving one magical prodigy waving goodbye and one dragon-stuck-in-a-dog’s-body smiling confidently after them.

Zoom out slowly as Twilight glances fearfully down at Spike and puts on a panicked grin, then fade to black.

My little pony:Rainbow Rocks(Oc inserted)Where stories live. Discover now