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Zoom out slowly down the main aisle; on both sides of it, students have lined up and are shouting challenges and derogatory remarks at each other.

Pinkie: Ohhhh! They’re that kind of off!

Cut to the lobby; the six enter from a side hall and cross, Rainbow messing with a soccer ball and Pinkie skipping merrily along as other students while away the moment.

Sunset: Those three are definitely in possession of some kind of dark magic. (Now they are in a hall leading away from the lobby). How else could you explain what happened back there?

Applejack: Don’t worry, y’all. We let Principal Celestia know all about this, and those girls’ll be kicked to the curb in no time. Last thing she needs is another CHS event almost ruined by some power-crazed lunatic.

Too late she realizes that she has let honesty veer into tactlessness; she turns to a mildly irked Sunset.

Applejack: Uh, no offense.

Sunset: (sighing) None taken.

Seen in a head-on shot, she advances toward the camera as the view fades to black.

The darkness splits horizontally, exposing the narrowed, deep pink eyes of Celestia on the other side.

Her thumb and index finger hold the gap open—a set of window blinds.)

Celestia: (very skeptically) Dark magic? I find that very hard to believe.

On the second half of this, the camera pans slightly to follow her sidewise glance toward the six girls gathered at a short distance behind her.

Cut to inside the room, her office; standing at the window, she lets go of the blinds and turns toward them. Luna stands off to one side.

Celestia: (crossing to her desk, sitting behind it) Those girls came into my office earlier and were absolutely delightful. (Luna lets off a mild scoff.)

Luna: Perhaps Sunset Shimmer is just eager to make someone else out to be a bad element, so that her actions at the Fall Formal will become old news.

On these last two words, cut to an incredulous Sunset.

Sunset: (nervously, scratching back of neck) I could see why you might think that, but— (Rainbow leans over in front of her and across the desk.)

Rainbow: That’s not what’s happening. We saw all of this go down in the cafeteria too!

Neither of the two officials is buying it.

Celestia: Yes, but isn’t your band supposed to be part of the Musical Showcase?

Back to the blue rocker on the end of this; she grimaces mightily at this bit of truth.

Rainbow: (reluctantly) Yes?

Luna: Perhaps you’re all just worried that the Dazzlings will steal your spotlight.

Applejack: (puzzled) The Dazzlings?

Celestia: It’s the name of their musical group. That’s why they came by my office earlier, to sign up for the Showcase. (Her perspective of the girls, panning slowly across.) Even sang a little song to Vice-Principal Luna and I.

Applejack: They did? (Close-up of Celestia; zoom out slowly to frame Luna standing alongside.)

Celestia: Yes. And we think having a Battle of the Bands instead is a marvelous idea.

My little pony:Rainbow Rocks(Oc inserted)Where stories live. Discover now