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Trixie: (full ham mode) You may have vanquished the Dazzlings, but you will never have the amazing show-stopping ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie!

Just as she did backstage during the semifinals, she throws down something that explodes in a screen-filling blast of pale blue smoke. When the view clears, all seven girls, one boy, and one dog are coughing out the last fumes and Trixie is nowhere in sight.

Pinkie: She’s gone! (Running footsteps from o.s.; she glances toward them.) Oh, wait.

Cut to a long shot of the fleeing upstart, caught in the process of climbing over the wall that runs behind the very back rows of seats.

Pinkie: (from o.s.) There she is.

Zoom in as Trixie loses her balance and tumbles over the edge, dropping out of sight.

Trixie: (from behind wall) Trixie’s okay! (Back to Twilight, Rainbow, and Sunset.)

Rainbow: (to Sunset) You know, Twilight and Rose are going back to Equestria soon. (Twilight nods at this,but Rose doesnt.) The Rainbooms could really use someone to help Fluttershy on backup vocals.

Close-up of the girl in the leather jacket on the second half of this line. A glance to one side discloses a “Flying V” guitar leaning up against an amp; she quickly slings it up, produces a pick, and uncorks a fast riff. Just as quickly, the pick goes back where it came from.

Sunset: I also play guitar.

Pan from her to Applejack/Fluttershy/Pinkie/Rarity/Spike, none of whom can immediately wrap their heads around this out-of-left-field display of musical prowess.

All five pairs of eyes turn toward the o.s. Twilight and Rainbow; cut to these two, the former smiling calmly, the latter with her mind also blown.

It takes a second for her to get her brain and tongue wired back together.

Rainbow: We’ll see.

Twilight and Rose grins hugely and Sunset—having set the axe down—allows herself a bashful smile, which gives way to complete shock and then a bigger smile as she finds herself at the center of a full-band group hug.

Spike gets into the act by hugging one of Rarity’s ankles.

Dissolve to the front lawn of Canterlot High the next morning and zoom in on the statue, where all eight have gathered by its base. The girls are all back in their school outfits, including Sunset’s original sun-marked shirt.

Applejack: Sure wish you could stay longer.

Twilight: Me too. (Pinkie peeks out from behind her.) But I have responsibilities in Equestria that I have to get back to.

Unnoticed, the pink goofball turns to the base, pokes at one side to set it rippling and glowing—the portal to Equestria is open—and shoves her whole face through.

Twilight: Its citizens need me.

Pinkie backs out, dazed and with hair disheveled; cut to Fluttershy and Rainbow.

Rarity: Darling,One simple question what do you mean “me”?

Rose:Oh, Me and Twilight talked about me staying here and ...she agreed.

Twilight: Mhm!,Awh I'm going to miss you Rosie! (Twilight goes to hug Rose,and Rose hugged her back)

Twilight: (from o.s.) But now, I can go through the portal whenever I need to. (To Applejack/Rarity/Sunset/Rose.) This isn’t goodbye . (Back to her.) It’s just goodbye ’til next time. (to the o.s. Spike) Ready? (Cut to him.)

Spike: Ready!

He trots forward and through the portal; the others—including a recovered and cleaned-up Pinkie—wave to Twilight before she steps in a moment later.

Dissolve to the sun in a peaceful sky and tilt down to the amphitheatre stage.

The original Rainbooms are warming up on their instruments, while off to one side DJ P0N-3 is readying her turntables and Sunset sits writing in her magic journal while Rose watches Sunset. Zoom in on these two.

Sunset: (voice over, dictating) “Dear Princess Twilight: Missing you already, and hope you’ll be back soon,And don't worry about Rose.She just needs to adjust well.” (Close-up.) “Things are definitely looking up for me here at Canterlot High, but I know I still have a lot to learn about friendship. Hope you don’t mind if I write to you for advice when I need it. Your friend, Sunset Shimmer.” (She closes the book.)

Rainbow: (from o.s.) You two ready or what?

(Cut to center stage; Sunset and Rose runs over, Sunsets guitar slung up.)

Sunset: Ready!

Pinkie: (counting off with sticks) One, two, three, four!

Pretend Rose is with them heheh

The sound wave signal dies away to a flat line and is pulled off the right edge of the screen as the credits stop rolling to leave the final copyright information.

However, it soon emerges from the left edge, the text sliding out of view ahead of its leading end, and becomes a scrolling, jagged signal to the faint hum of machinery and the scratch of a pen.

Behind it, the background fades to white as the camera pans slightly left to frame a stylus marking down this signal—it is a strip chart. The jagged peaks soon die out, the paper roll stopping as well, and the camera zooms out to an overhead view of this recorder.

A light violet hand in a long white sleeve reaches into view to tear the readout away, whipping it past the camera; once it is gone, a bulletin board can be seen, covered with notes and chart readouts. At the center of this jumble is a photograph of Canterlot High, with several strings leading to it and secured dead center with a thumbtack.

The latest strip chart is stuck up among the lot, and the camera zooms out to frame a figure in a lab coat eyeing it all intently. Even though this individual can only be seen from behind for the moment, the skin and hair colors mark it as a dead ringer for Twilight. The hair is rumpled and tied back at the nape of the neck in a bun with a pencil stuck into it, the collar of a light blue turtleneck peeks over the coat, and eyeglasses with thick black frames are in evidence as well.

Head-on view of her, hair slightly disheveled, a dog who looks exactly like Spike eating food from a bowl in the background. The next words mark these two as the ones who are native to this world.

Human Twilight: No doubt about it, Spike. There’s definitely something strange going on at that school.

Dog Spike barks in reply. Fade to black.

My little pony:Rainbow Rocks(Oc inserted)Where stories live. Discover now