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This shot is the first to include the sky, now the pink/orange of late afternoon.

Fluttershy: (brushing hair back from face) You mean, like a song?

Rose: Uh-huh. And in order to free everyone who’s been exposed to the Sirens’ spell, we’ll need them all to hear it.

All others: Hmmm… (Rarity gasps and gets to her feet.)

Rarity: The band competition! That’s the next time we can be certain everyone will be in the same place at the same time! (Applejack and Rainbow stand as well.)

Applejack: (hand to Rainbow’s shoulder) Guess the Rainbooms are the band to beat.

Rarity: (holding out hand) And I believe you two— (Her perspective of Twilight and Rose.) —just became the Rainbooms’ newest members.

That piece of news catches the two-legged magical prodigy completely flat-footed, and their face twists itself into an expression of horrified surprise.

The other five band members rush off the steps, all talking and laughing at once—and completely missing the deflated dismay that has taken hold of Sunset.

Before the celebration can go too far, Pinkie bulls her way to the center of the knot.

Pinkie: So, what do you want to play?

She zips back o.s., then reaches into view holding a…

Pinkie: (from o.s.) Triangle?

…which she shakes to make it jangle a bit before pulling it away. Now she leans in close, toting a…

Pinkie: Sousaphone?

…and letting off a foghorn blast that blows Twilight’s hair back. Away she goes, returning this time with a…

Pinkie: Theremin?

(…and demonstrating its otherworldly tone by running her hands over the top and side antenna attachments.)

Pinkie: (very relaxed) So magical.

Twilight: (shrugging, working fingers around) We might take a little too long to learn how to play something with these. We’ll just sing. (Rainbow whips over and rests an elbow on twilights shoulder.)

Rainbow: Like, as in “lead singers”? ’Cause that’s usually my gig. (smiling; hand across shoulders) This being my band and all. (Here comes Applejack.)

Applejack: (needled) It’s our band. (pulling Twilight and Rose to herself) And of course, as lead singers. (Sunset has now joined the group.) They're the one with the magical know-how to help us pull this thing off.

Rainbow: Okay, yeah, that’s cool. (smirking, miming guitar fingerings) I’ll just use this as a chance to hone my already insanely good lead guitar skills.

Rose: It’s only temporary. (shrugging) And we don’t have to win the Battle of the Bands. (Her perspective of all others but Rainbow, panning across.) We just have to perform during the first round of the competition. (The missing girl leans into view.)

Rainbow: So let’s get to learning that musical counter-spell! (Back to Twilight.)

Twilight: Well, that’s just it. I don’t know any.

Rose: That's strange,you usually know alot.

The others’ enthusiasm evaporates in less time than it takes them to voice a collective, dejected sigh; back to her, getting her best reassuring smile back in place.

Rose: (shrugging again) But I’m sure You could figure out how to write one,Right Twi?.

Spike: (from o.s.) Totally! (Ground level; he runs up to her feet and pats one.) Twilight can write a spell like it’s nobody’s business. (He sits up and crosses his forelegs.) That’s pretty much how she got to become a princess in Equestria.

Twilight: Technically, I helped finish a spell— (pointedly) —and there was a little more to it than that, Spike.

Spike: Yeah, whatever.

Twilight: I’ve got this. (picking him up) Come on. (She heads toward the school entrance.)

Applejack: Where are you goin’? (Stop on the first step.)

Twilight: Well, last time we were here, Spike,Rose and I spent the night in the library. (Pinkie flashes up to her.)

Pinkie: Are you crazy? (hugging Twilight,Rose and Spike) We’re besties now! (hoisting them off the steps) Slumber party at my house!

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