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(18-year-old sunjae)

Sunjae's heart raced as he hurried through the bustling school corridors, his eyes fixed on the notice board where the exam results were about to be posted

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Sunjae's heart raced as he hurried through the bustling school corridors, his eyes fixed on the notice board where the exam results were about to be posted. He had been the first to arrive, determined to be the one to check the rankings – but not for his own sake. His mind was solely focused on one person: Sol.

As Sunjae's eyes scanned the list, he felt a surge of pride and affection when he saw Sol's name at the very top. A warm smile spread across his face, and he clutched the packet of her favorite jelly tightly in his hand.

"I know it!", he mumbled slowly as his smile still lingered.

Sunjae wasted no time in making his way down to the junior level, his steps light and his spirit buoyant. He couldn't wait to share the news with Sol, but as Sunjae's eyes landed on the familiar figures of Sol and Taesung in the hallway, his steps faltered.

 He couldn't wait to share the news with Sol, but as Sunjae's eyes landed on the familiar figures of Sol and Taesung in the hallway, his steps faltered

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Sunjae was caught off guard when Inhyuk suddenly wrapped an arm around his shoulder, his voice ringing out with familiar warmth. "Sun! What are you looking at?"

Sunjae blinked, momentarily disoriented, but his gaze quickly returned to the pair standing in the hallway. "Huh? Oh, nothing, I was just-"

But before he could finish his sentence, Inhyuk's eyes followed Sunjae's, and a look of recognition crossed his face. "Oh? Isn't that the couple from last year?"

Sunjae furrowed his brow, his heart skipping a beat. "Couple?"

Inhyuk nodded, a hint of excitement in his voice. "Yeah, that's Kim Taesung, the bass player from the music club. I heard he confessed to a girl with a song during the school festival. That must be her!"

Sunjae felt a pang of unease at Inhyuk's words, his gaze fixed on the pair as they continued their conversation.

The idea of Taesung and Sol being a couple, of them having a history that he was unaware of, sent a wave of emotions through him.

Oppa next door!  ━ Ryu Sunjae & Im SolWhere stories live. Discover now