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As Sol glanced up at Sunjae, she took in the bustling streets around them

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As Sol glanced up at Sunjae, she took in the bustling streets around them. The sidewalks were crowded with people hurrying by and the air filled with the chatter of passersby.

Storefronts and cafes lined the streets, their signs and displays a vibrant patchwork against the backdrop of the city.

Sunjae's brow was furrowed slightly as he scanned the signs, his lips pursed in thought.

"I'm pretty sure Inhyuk said that famous restaurant was around here, though," he whispered to himself, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

"We took the bus for almost an hour," Sol remarked, "I thought we were going somewhere."

Glancing down at her, Sunjae let out a small sigh. "We are, we're almost there Sol-ah," he replied simply, his eyes still searching.

 "We are, we're almost there Sol-ah," he replied simply, his eyes still searching

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Noticing the slight discomfort in Sunjae's expression, Sol looked up at him again

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Noticing the slight discomfort in Sunjae's expression, Sol looked up at him again. "But are you okay to go out like this?" she asked, a touch of concern in her voice.

"It's okay," Sunjae reassured her, though his gaze remained fixed on the storefronts.

"Aren't you busy? You're in your final year, though," Sol pressed gently.

Oppa next door!  ━ Ryu Sunjae & Im SolWhere stories live. Discover now