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Sol awakened with a throbbing pain in her head, as her eyes fluttered open, she was met with a startling sight - the concerned gaze of her brother, Geum, fixed intently upon her.

"Oh, you surprise me!" she shrieked, the sudden intrusion into her private space catching her off guard. Without hesitation, she raised her hand and slapped her brother firmly against his shoulder "- Why are you in my room?!"

Geum groaned in pain as Sol's slap landed firmly on his body, the sting radiating across his entire being.

He stared back at his sister, his eyes narrowed in a mixture of concern and exasperation.

"Yah, are you crazy?" he exclaimed, his voice rising in pitch. "You never drink alcohol before and why the heck did you drink alcohol last night? And during your field trip? Alone? Are you crazy?"

He then sighed slowly as his brows furrowed, looking at Sol with evident worry etched on his features.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his tone softening with genuine concern. "Can you even handle alcohol?"

"Thank God your neighborhood oppa was there for you," he muttered, his voice barely audible. "Otherwise, who knows what could have happened?"

"I was worried that you might have... well, that you could have gotten hurt or....I don't know, maybe gotten eaten by the boars or something," he added, his tone laced with a touch of dark humor, though his concern was evident.

Sol's mind was still hazy, but Geum's mention of a "neighborhood oppa" had piqued her interest. She nodded slowly, trying to piece together the information, when suddenly, her eyes widened in realization.

"Neighborhood oppa?" she exclaimed, her voice rising in pitch. "You mean Sunjae oppa?"

Without warning, she reached out and grasped Geum's face, scrunching it between her hands as she stared at him intently.

"Oppa, are you telling me that Sunjae was the one who brought me here and made sure I got home safely?" she asked, her expression a mix of embarrassment and disbelief.

Geum, taken aback by Sol's sudden outburst, nodded hesitantly. "Y-yeah?," he stammered, his words muffled by Sol's firm grip on his cheeks.

Geum gently but firmly broke away from Sol's grip, his expression shifting to one of gentle scolding.

"You really should say thank you to him Sol-ah," he said, his tone slightly admonishing. "You think it was easy for him to come all the way here and get you home safely?"

Geum sighed, running a hand through his hair," - and it was raining last night too," he explained. "That kind of trip must have cost him a pretty penny, not to mention the time and effort he put in to make sure you got home safe."

"He... he did that for me?" she asked, her voice soft and almost reverent.

Geum nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Yeah, he did," he confirmed.

"So you should really make sure to thank him the next time you see him, okay? I'm sure he'd appreciate it."



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