The Architecture

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During college days of Annie Fort.

Annie was one of Lev's closest friends. She stood out with her tall, slender frame and striking beauty, complemented by her confident demeanor and a love for adventure. Born into a wealthy family that owned a thriving real estate business, Annie had always lived a life of privilege, but she never let it define her.

From a young age, Annie was drawn to the outdoors, finding joy in hiking and exploring new trails. Her adventurous spirit was matched by a fierce sense of justice; she was never one to back down if someone tried to bully her, always ready to stand her ground when she knew she was in the right. This determination led her to study basic self-defense, ensuring she could protect herself in any situation.

Annie's true passion lay in architecture. Inspired by her mother, who was a successful architect, and her father, an accomplished engineer, Annie dreamed of designing buildings that were both beautiful and functional. She enrolled in an architecture program at college, eager to follow in her parents' footsteps and contribute to the family business.

Annie's family played a significant role in her life. Her parents, deeply involved in the real estate business, built, sold, rented, and leased properties, and they encouraged Annie to pursue her dreams. Her mother often shared insights from her architectural projects, while her father provided practical advice from his engineering perspective. Together, they formed a strong support system that empowered Annie to chase her aspirations with confidence and determination.

Annie's story was one of resilience, passion, and unwavering loyalty. She was a testament to the power of standing up for oneself and pursuing one's dreams, surrounded by the love of family and friends.

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