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Workplace and Closure

Ken had just landed in Jeju Island and sent Annie a quick text to let her know he'd arrived safely. The message read:

"Love, I've arrived here at Jeju Island, safe and sound. I'm heading to the location now to check the issue. Take care and love you."

Annie received the text and smiled, feeling a wave of love and appreciation. She quickly typed a reply:

"Take care, love, and don't forget to eat. If you need any help with the design or need to brainstorm ideas, just let me know. I'm here at the office, busy with projects and planning."

As their busy workdays unfolded, both Ken and Annie immersed themselves in their respective tasks. Ken worked diligently to address the issue on the construction site, while Annie focused on her projects at the office, her mind occasionally drifting to thoughts of Ken.

Despite their busy schedules, they made it a point to check in on each other. Ken sent periodic updates about his progress, and Annie responded with encouragement and support. Their messages were brief but filled with affection, reminding each other of their love and the bond they shared.

Though miles apart, their connection remained strong, sustained by their constant communication and mutual support. Their workdays continued, each finding comfort in the knowledge that they were both pursuing their goals while remaining deeply connected.

Annie was busy at the office when she sent Ken a text, letting him know about an important development.

"Ken, we have a meeting today with the government about striking a deal for a project."

Ken's response came quickly, his enthusiasm evident in his message:

"Wow, a VIP client! I bet they want to renovate the North Wing of the airport. You've got this, Annie. Show them what you've got!"

Annie felt a surge of confidence and excitement. She knew how important this meeting was and appreciated Ken's encouragement.

She prepared thoroughly for the meeting, reviewing her presentation and gathering all the necessary documents.

The day of the crucial meeting arrived, and Annie was prepared to make a strong impression. Her secretary notified her that the VIP clients had arrived and were waiting in the boardroom. Annie and her colleague made their way to the boardroom, anticipation in the air.

As they entered, Annie noticed the VIP clients seated at the left side of the room. Her colleague took a seat on the right side, and Annie chose her seat, her gaze sweeping across the room. To her surprise, she spotted a familiar face among the VIP clients—Roy, the respected captain and one of the shareholders.

When Roy saw Annie, he gave her a warm smile. Annie, maintaining professionalism, smiled back, her mind racing with curiosity and excitement.

The leader of the VIP delegation began the meeting with a detailed explanation. "We'd like you to be the architect for the renovation of the North Tower at the airport. We reviewed your portfolio, including the project you completed in Italy, and we were impressed. We'd like a similar innovative approach for the North Tower, though adapted to our needs here. Additionally, you come highly recommended by one of our shareholders and Captain Roy."

Annie's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly composed herself. "Thank you for choosing me for this project. I am excited to accept the offer."

She and the leader shook hands, with the other VIP clients nodding in approval. The leader continued, "We have already hired a construction company to handle the building work, so your role will be as the architect only. We want the project completed as soon as possible to minimize disruption at the airport. We will discuss the budget and timeline in detail shortly."

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