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Hopes  and Dreams

The days leading up to her departure were filled with a mix of excitement and nostalgia. Annie spent time with her friends, reminiscing about their shared experiences and creating new memories. Her parents helped her prepare for the trip, offering advice and encouragement.

On the day of her departure, her friends and family gathered at the airport to see her off. There were hugs, tears, and promises to stay in touch. Lev handed her a small notebook. "For your sketches and ideas," he said with a wink. "I'll be waiting for that dream house design."

Annie boarded the plane with a heart full of gratitude and determination. She was ready to embark on this new adventure, knowing that the love and support of her friends and family would be with her every step of the way.

As the plane took off, Annie looked out the window, envisioning the future. She was confident that her studies in Italy would enrich her understanding of architecture and provide her with the tools to lead her family's firm to even greater heights. The journey ahead was filled with promise, and Annie was ready to embrace it with open arms.

Annie stepped off the plane at Leonardo da Vinci–Fiumicino International Airport, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. This was the beginning of a new chapter in her life, and she was eager to embrace all the opportunities that lay ahead. As she walked through the bustling terminal, she spotted a familiar face waving enthusiastically.

Annie, over here!" Joy called out, her smile radiant. Joy, Annie's cousin, had been living in Italy since she was born. and had eagerly volunteered to help her settle in.

Annie's face lit up as she hurried over, dragging her suitcase behind her. "Joy! It's so good to see you!" she exclaimed, hugging her tightly.

Welcome to Italy!" Joy said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I can't wait to show you around and help you get settled. How was your flight?"

It was long but smooth," Annie replied, as they made their way to the parking lot. "I'm just so glad to be here. This is going to be amazing."

They chatted animatedly as Joy drove them to Florence. The scenic drive was filled with picturesque views of the Italian countryside, and Annie felt a sense of awe and anticipation. She couldn't wait to explore the rich history and culture of this beautiful country.

As they arrived in Florence, Joy pointed out various landmarks and shared interesting tidbits about the city. "You're going to love it here, Annie. Florence is such a vibrant and inspiring place, especially for someone studying architecture."

Annie's excitement grew with every passing minute. They finally reached Annies mom's two-bedroom apartment, located in a charming neighborhood not far from the city center. The building had a classic Italian feel, with its rustic architecture and flower-filled balconies.

Here we are," Joy announced, parking the car. They carried Annie's luggage up to the apartment, where Joy's mom, Aunt Lucia, greeted them warmly.

Welcome, Annie!" Aunt Lucia said, embracing her. "We're so happy to have you here. Make yourself at home."beside this is your moms home when she was like your age.

"Thank you, Aunt Lucia," Annie replied, feeling touched by the warm welcome. "I'm so grateful for your hospitality."

The apartment was cozy and inviting, with a perfect blend of traditional and modern elements. Aunt Lucia had prepared a delicious meal to celebrate Annie's arrival, and they spent the evening sharing stories and laughter.

After dinner, Joy showed Annie to her room. It was a comfortable space with a large window that offered a stunning view of the city. Annie could already envision herself studying by the window, inspired by the beauty of Florence.

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