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Change is Scary..

Annie was deep into her fourth year of Architecture at the university, her days filled with lectures, design projects, and late-night study sessions. Her passion for architecture was unwavering, but she had always managed to balance it with her relationship with Roy. Roy was close to finishing his course as a pilot and was in the midst of intense flight training. His dream of flying was finally within reach.

Initially, they had both been each other's biggest supporters. Roy admired Annie's creativity and dedication, while Annie was in awe of Roy's determination to soar the skies. Their relationship had been strong, built on mutual respect and understanding, despite the demands of their respective careers.

However, things began to change. Annie noticed a shift in Roy's behavior. He became distant, his replies to her messages were delayed, and when they did manage to talk, he seemed distracted. Concerned, Annie started calling Roy more frequently, hoping to bridge the growing gap between them. But her calls often went unanswered, and when Roy did pick up, he quickly changed the subject, steering away from anything personal or significant.

One evening, after another long day at the studio, Annie decided to call Roy again. She had been worried sick, her mind conjuring up all sorts of scenarios about what could be wrong. This time, Roy answered, but his voice was flat, devoid of the warmth she was used to.

Hey, Roy. I've been trying to reach you. Are you okay?" Annie asked, trying to keep the concern out of her voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just busy with training," Roy replied curtly.

I understand that, but it feels like you're avoiding me. Is everything alright between us?" Annie pressed, her heart pounding.

"Look, Annie, I really can't talk about this right now. How's your latest project going?" Roy deflected, his tone indicating he didn't want to delve into the issue.

Annie sighed, feeling the frustration and sadness welling up inside her. "The project is fine, but that's not what I want to talk about. We need to talk about us, Roy."

I have to go, Annie. I've got an early flight training  tomorrow. We'll talk later," Roy said quickly before ending the call.

As the weeks went by, the pattern continued. Annie's attempts to communicate were met with the same avoidance and deflection. Roy's behavior was a stark contrast to the person she had known, and it left her feeling isolated and hurt. She poured herself even more into her studies, using her projects as a distraction from the heartache she felt.


Two days ago, Patricia, one of Annie's closest friends, decided to visit Roy's school. She had been invited by another friend who was dating a student there. Patricia, always up for an adventure and curious about different fields, saw it as an opportunity to explore a world so different from her own.

The campus was abuzz with activity, a stark contrast to the quiet, focused atmosphere of Annie's architecture studio. As Patricia walked through the gates with her friends, she couldn't help but notice the overwhelming number of aspiring pilots, mostly men, walking briskly in their uniforms, chatting animatedly about flight schedules and simulations.

The group was there to meet Jenna, a friend who was also training to be a pilot. Jenna greeted them with a wide smile and an enthusiastic wave, clearly excited to show them around. She led them through the training facilities, the simulator rooms, and the sprawling airfield where students practiced their takeoffs and landings.

Patricia was fascinated by the dedication and passion she saw in the students. It was a world of precision and high stakes, where every detail mattered. The students moved with purpose, their eyes set on the skies.

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