Friendship and Investigation

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The soft hum of medical equipment and the muted chatter of nurses filled the hallway as Lev, Ashley, Patricia, and Sophie made their way to Annie's VIP room. They had just spoken with Roy, who reassured them of Annie's progress. As they entered the room, their hearts lifted seeing Annie awake, albeit weak.

Annie, we're here!" Sophie exclaimed softly, her voice brimming with affection.

Annie's eyes lit up at the sight of her friends, and though she couldn't speak, her smile spoke volumes. She tried to lift a hand, but her strength wasn't quite back yet.

Dr. Luke, who had been monitoring Annie, gave a reassuring nod. "She's doing better. With time, she'll recover fully."

The friends settled around Annie's bed, their laughter and stories filling the room with warmth. They reminisced about their college days, sharing tales of their mischief and adventures. Lev recounted a particularly amusing incident involving a prank that went hilariously wrong, causing everyone to burst into laughter. Even Dr. Luke and Ken, who were nearby, couldn't help but chuckle along.

Annie's private chef had prepared a sumptuous feast to celebrate the gathering. The aroma of steak, seafood, and turkey wafted through the air, mingling with the freshness of crisp salads and the sweetness of decadent desserts. Plates were filled, glasses clinked, and the room buzzed with lively conversation.

While everyone enjoyed the gourmet spread, Annie's meal was more subdued. A tube provided her with the nutrients she needed, yet she didn't mind. The joy of having her friends around was nourishment for her soul.

Despite the hospital setting, the VIP room felt like a haven of happiness and love. The friends' laughter and camaraderie created an atmosphere so vibrant that for a moment, it was easy to forget why they were there. The bond they shared, forged through years of friendship and countless memories, was a powerful antidote to any fear or sadness.

The room was filled with the comforting sounds of laughter and the clinking of silverware against plates when suddenly, the shrill ring of a phone cut through the merriment. Sophie, seated closest to the device, reached over and picked it up.

"Hello, this is Sophie," she answered, her voice calm and composed.

Hi, this is Abby from the information desk. There are a police officer and an investigator here. They need to ask Annie a few questions. Is that possible?" came the voice from the other end.

Sophie's eyes widened slightly, but she maintained her composure. "One moment, please. I'll brief everyone and get back to you."

She covered the receiver with her hand and turned to the group. "There are a police officer and an investigator outside. They want to talk to Annie."

The room grew quiet, the jovial atmosphere replaced with a hint of tension. Dr. Luke was the first to speak. "You can send them here."

Ken, who had been sitting by Annie's side, looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding. "Let's hear what they have to say. We'll see if Annie can handle it."

Sophie nodded and returned to the phone. "Abby, you can send the police and the investigator up."

Within minutes, the door opened, and a police officer and an investigator entered the room. They introduced themselves, their expressions serious yet respectful as they took in the scene. Annie, lying in bed, looked at them with curiosity and a hint of apprehension.

Good afternoon, the investigator began. "We understand that this is a difficult time, but we need to ask Miss Annie a few questions regarding an ongoing investigation. We'll keep it brief."

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