Moving On.. The only Option

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Moving on,the only Option

Annie felt a surge of determination as she faced the reality of her new life. The breakup with Roy had been unexpected and difficult for everyone involved. Their families were still reeling from the news, unable to comprehend how things had fallen apart so quickly. However, Annie knew she had to focus on herself now, with the unwavering support of her friends.

One morning, as she was sorting through her laundry, their housekeeper, Maria, approached her with a puzzled expression, holding up a handkerchief.

"Is this yours, Annie?" Maria asked.

Annie glanced at the handkerchief, initially unsure. "No, it's not mine... Oh, wait," she said, suddenly remembering. "Give it to me." She took the handkerchief from Maria's hand, recognizing it instantly. It belonged to Ken, the kind stranger she had met at the park a few days ago.

Memories of their brief encounter flashed through her mind. Ken had been so considerate, offering her a handkerchief when she was crying over Roy. She had been too distraught to thank him properly or even ask for his contact information. All she knew was his name.

Annie held the handkerchief tightly, pondering her next move. How could she return it to Ken when she knew so little about him? Despite the odds, she felt a strange connection to him and decided to keep the handkerchief for now.

Days turned into weeks, and Annie slowly rebuilt her life, focusing on self-care and personal growth. Her friends were a constant source of encouragement, reminding her of her worth and helping her rediscover her passions.

Graduation day arrived with the warmth of the early summer sun shining brightly over the university campus. For Annie, it was a day of immense pride and fulfillment. Dressed in her graduation uniform, she stood among her peers, ready to receive her degree in Architecture. The journey had been long and challenging, but every sleepless night and every intricate design had led her to this moment.

The ceremony was held in the grand auditorium, filled to the brim with excited families, proud friends, and esteemed faculty members. Annie's parents sat in the audience, beaming with pride. Her mother clutched a handkerchief, dabbing away tears of joy, while her father held a camera, ready to capture every precious moment. Beside them, Annie's four closest friends, lev, Ashley, Sophie, and Patricia cheered enthusiastically, waving and calling out her name.

As the dean of the university began to call out the names of the graduates, the anticipation in the room grew. When it was finally Annie's turn, her heart swelled with emotion. She walked confidently across the stage, her steps steady, her head held high. The dean announced, "Annie Thompson, graduating Cum Laude in Architecture, and recipient of the award for Best High-Rise Building Design."

A thunderous applause erupted from the audience. Annie received her diploma with a bright smile and a gracious bow, then accepted the award for her exceptional design work. The model of her high-rise building, a masterpiece of modern architecture, was displayed on the big screen behind her. It was a testament to her creativity, hard work, and dedication.

As she descended the stage, her eyes met her parents'. They were clapping vigorously, their faces radiating pride and love. Her friends rushed to her side, enveloping her in a tight group hug.

You did it, Annie!" Patricia exclaimed, her voice full of excitement.

We always knew you would," Sophie added, her eyes sparkling with admiration.
Lev and Ashley chimed in, showering her with compliments and congratulations. They had been there for her through thick and thin, and their unwavering support had made this achievement even more meaningful.

After the ceremony, Annie and her family, along with her friends, gathered for a small celebration in the university gardens. The atmosphere was filled with laughter, joy, and a sense of accomplishment. Her parents couldn't stop expressing how proud they were of her.

We always knew you were destined for greatness," her father said, his voice choked with emotion. "This is just the beginning, Annie."

Annie looked around at the faces of the people she loved, feeling a deep sense of gratitude. She knew that her success was not hers alone, but shared with those who had supported and believed in her every step of the way. As she held her award and diploma, she felt a renewed sense of determination and excitement for the future.

After the graduation celebrations, Annie gathered her friends for a special announcement. They met at their favorite café, a cozy place filled with memories of late-night study sessions and heartfelt conversations. Annie's parents joined them, their faces beaming with pride and anticipation.

Annie took a deep breath and smiled at the group. "I have some exciting news to share," she began. "I've decided to go abroad to further my studies in Architecture. I'll be heading to Italy to expand my learning and immerse myself in its rich architectural history."

Her friends erupted in cheers and applause. Ashley, Lev, Sophie and Patricia hugged her, their excitement palpable. Lev her close friend and confidant, grinned and said, "Go for it, Annie. One day, I'll call you to build my dream house."

The other friends chimed in, agreeing wholeheartedly. "We can't wait for that moment to happen," Sophie said, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Annie's parents, standing nearby, shared their own sentiments. "We're incredibly proud of you, Annie," her father said. "This is a wonderful opportunity, and we support you wholeheartedly."

Annie's mother nodded in agreement. "Your passion for architecture has always been evident, and we know you'll make the most of this experience."

As they settled back into their seats, Annie shared more about her decision. "Our family's architecture firm has always been at the forefront, both locally and internationally. But I want to ensure that we stay ahead of the curve, always innovating and pushing boundaries. Studying in Italy will give me a fresh perspective and new ideas that I can bring back to our business."

Her friends and parents listened intently, nodding in understanding. They knew how dedicated Annie was to her craft and her family's legacy. Being an only child, Annie felt a deep responsibility to continue the success of their architecture firm.

One day, when the time is right, I'll take over the family business," Annie continued. "But I want to be fully prepared and bring the best possible knowledge and experience to the table. This journey to Italy is a crucial step in that direction."

Her father placed a hand on her shoulder, his eyes filled with pride. "We have no doubt that you'll achieve great things, Annie. You've always had a vision, and this will only enhance your skills and creativity

Meanwhile, Annie received a message from a friend of a friend, It was a group chat that shared an update about Roy. To let Annie know that Roy has graduated as a pilot! He's already been hired by a major airline.

Annie read the messages with a sense of detachment. It had been months since their breakup, and while it had been a painful experience, she had moved on with her life.

Annie's thoughts drifted back to the times she and Roy had shared, but she quickly brushed them aside. She knew that holding onto the past would only hinder her progress. With a deep breath, she typed her own message into the chat.

That's great news. I wish him all the best in his career." Just saying to herself. This is the last time Annie heard from Roy. She genuinely hoped Roy would find success and happiness in his new path, but she no longer felt any emotional attachment to their past. Her life was in a different place now, filled with exciting opportunities and personal growth.

The day ended with a promise of new adventures and challenges. Annie knew that with her talent, determination, and the love and support of her family and friends, she was ready to take on the world and create even more remarkable designs. The future was a blank canvas, and she was eager to fill it with her dreams and aspirations, one architectural masterpiece at a time.

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