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Constellations held together by hope and anxiety,

Auras of colors the universe has never experienced.

Once encapsulated by nervous texts on a screen,

Now held close nightly as the gods intended.

Phil's boy now shining down on the same room every night,

the long and distant nights now well worth it.

The once silent room, echoing from barren walls yet loud with the internal screaming of a living god,

Now alive through the night with laughter and color,
tears and heartache, every season of emotions.

Wishes and promises tailor made for your soul,

Stars aligned to make us meet, stars align when I look at you.

When I meet your gaze and see the sun, it's the one time I don't squint and cover my eyes from the glow.

To gaze upon the shine of your sparkle,

a gift I prayed to witness for many years, even if I didn't know it was you I was praying for.

You are everything I've ever wanted,

Everything I've ever wished for,

Candles blown out and shooting stars wished upon,

Tearful eyes begging for happiness and a reason to be optimistic.

And there you are.

The sun and the stars, both shining as if you have the whole universe in your gentle grasp.

You are the northern lights and the setting sun upon a southern river,

The gentle snow fall and the dewy, condensation filled mornings of spring.

You are everything I love about being alive in this world,

You are enough, and never too much.

You are perfect as a human can be, sun boy ❤️

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