A Breakdown

45 4 1

TW// Religious Trauma

After dinner Bad helped Skeppy's mom with the dishes while Skeppy sat on the counter. "So, we get to keep him forever now, right?"

Halima flicked Skeppy's leg with the dish towel. "You're just like your dad, clingy."

"Ow! dad goes away for work all the time, he can't be that clingy."

"He was clingy, but he had to make a living somehow. It's not easy to give two kids everything they need and more."

Bad put the last plate in the cabinet. He couldn't help but ask about Lya. "Does Lya have her own place?"

"No, she's at a friend's house." Halima put the dish towel away.

"Surprise..." Skeppy and his sister tended to avoid each other. But neither of them knew why. Skeppy knew Lya was definitely gone because she didn't want to see Skeppy and Bad.

"Why don't you boys pick out a movie and get ready for bed?" Halima suggested.

"Mm, bed." Skeppy yawned at the thought. He couldn't wait to be safe in his own bed, and with Bad cuddling him. "Come on, let's get ready for bed. You can use my bathroom, I'll use the guest."


Bad and Skeppy both gave themselves deep cleans. Deep down, they both had the same subconscious thought. Too bad something would get in the way.

Halima set two glasses of water on Skeppy's nightstand and a bowl of fruit. "I'd offer popcorn, but somebody has to not have a stroke."

Skeppy whined while looking for the remote. "This sucks." He found the remote and turned on the TV.

Bad sat on the bed and once again enjoyed the softness of Skeppy's blanket. "It's okay, I like fruit. I would also like if you didn't have a stroke in my arms again."

Halima lost her smile, looking at Bad in wonderment. It was a bittersweet concept. This boy who she didn't know well yet, had held her son during a moment that could of been his last.

"You boys enjoy your movie..." Halima cleared her throat and left the room, leaving the door wide open.

"What do you want to watch, darling?"

Skeppy scrolled through the options. "I don't know..."
I want to watch you fall asleep but that would be creepy as hell to say. Why do I feel more attached now that he's on my bed? I feel like I might actually crawl inside of his mouth and live there.

"Anything, as long as it's not horror." Bad hummed. "What about something more wholesome? It's been a stressful couple weeks."

"Well, what's your favorite movie?" Skeppy asked.

Bad hummed again. "To be honest...I haven't watched many. I usually get the rundown from Foolish and Tina."

"What?" Skeppy laughed, thinking he was joking.

"I'm serious, my parents limited media for me. I have only seen Disney movies, and even then some they wouldn't let me watch."

Skeppy looked horrified. "That's crazy, you can't be serious."

"Unfortunately..." Bad shrugged.

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