Chapter 22||

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Lexis Pov
3 weeks later
"Thank you everyone for coming don't forget to sign up for my 6 week class free of charge for the first 2 months , gift bags on the table on the way out", I said smiling looking at the room full of people.

This week I hosted a beauty seminar for my new program I started for those who want to enter the cosmetic industry I am hosting business classes.

Last week was a lot for me , now everyone knows about me and Kentrell and I am not sorry not one bit , I deserve justice for what happened to me and I am getting it I have been back in therapy trying to focus on my mental health.

My business is okay and is flourishing more than ever , I even finally have people willing to invest and I am super excited for the future growth hopefully I can have my own company one day.

"I really enjoyed today thank you for this opportunity", a girl approached me I smiled at her engaging in a quick conversation.

After I spoke to a few people and took pictures with a couple I was on my way home finally after a long day.

1 hour later

Pulling up in the drive way , I just sat in the car silently , consumed by my thoughts I jumped hearing the phone ring.

"Hello?", I spoke softly.

"BITCHHH SO HOW WAS IT?", jossline asked I looked at her and smiled.

"It was actually good , everyone was engaged and active it was a success", I said.

"That's so good I'm so happy for you", she said I nodded.

"Where my baby ?", I asked.

"Girl her and Bella in the room watching tv tearing up my damn house but Ben finna take them to get yogurt land just to get them out the house",she said I nodded.

"Speaking of Ben ...... BITCH! GUESS WHAT", she said I raised my eyebrow curious.

"What ?" I asked.

She lifted her hand up in the camera and my heart dropped to the bottom of my ass there was a big ass diamond ring on her finger.

"He Proposed last night oh my god it was so romantic we went to dinner and went on a carriage ride girl I was so I can't even explain but it was everything I felt so special not even gonna lie I cried so hard everything that I ever wanted is coming true my little family bitch imma be a wife I am so excited", she smiled big.

"Wow that's wassup , I'm so happy for you jossline", I said instantly feeling like shit.

Before she could finish talking I immediately had to make an excuse to hang up I just couldn't hear more and I know that real fuck up considering she is my best friend but deep down I envyed her how the fuck did she get her happy ending and I didn't.

"Hey imma call you back ok I gotta take an important call real quick", I lied.

"Oh ok " , she said as I ended the call.

Getting out the car clocking it I entered my house , it was so cold , dark and quiet didn't feel like a home at all.

Walking up the stairs entering bed room I threw my purse on the bed taking off my heels , sighing as the relaxation my feet finally felt.

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