Chapter 1. Finding Out

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I did write a one shot similar to this called "Co-Parenting?" However I think I'm gonna change some stuff up. One of those things I'm going to change is that Lucy did know about the pregnancy. She was going to tell him the day he came back to work on patrol but she felt he wasn't ready.

Lucy's POV
I woke up and instantly didn't feel good so I ran to the toilet and tried to hold back the puke. I cannot have Celina hear me because then she'll start asking questions and no one can know. At least not until I tell Tim. Tim has to know first it's the only ethical thing. I was pulled out of my thoughts as I could no longer hold it back. I stood up and crawled back into bed. Today was my day off which meant I had time to tell Tim... it's just we haven't spoken really since the breakup and in the elevator I was gonna tell him then too but I just couldn't. It's too hard to face him right now. I sighed and picked up my phone and texted the group chat I had with Nyla and Angela. I know I said I was waiting to tell Tim but I needed help.

Lucy : GIRLS
Lucy : I've got something to say and before you guys yell at me just know that I've been freaking out for weeks
Nyla : You're pregnant and you don't know the dad because you hooked up with Chris?
Angela : Wrong. Chris has a new girlfriend.
Lucy: One of those is wrong.
Angela: Chris has a new girlfriend so that means you're pregnant.
Nyla : Tim's?
Lucy: OMG Nyla yes!
Angela : Oh my gosh yes!! I'm so happy for you
Nyla: Unless we aren't?
Lucy: I'm excited just scared
Angela : What does Tim think?
Lucy : Yeah about that...
Nyla: He doesn't know! You guys broke up months ago
Lucy: No and I just don't know how to tell him. I've been trying but I just can't do it

No One's POV
Angela read that text and immediately knew she has to break girl code to keep bestfriend code. She was at work since she had to pick up an extra day and Tim also just happened to be there so she stood up and walked over to him. "You and I need to talk now." She said sternly grabbing his arm causing him to look at her weird "What's wrong?" "Not here." They walked down to an interrogation room. "Okay Angela you're freaking me out. What's wrong!" He shouted a little as her face was screaming something bad happened. She sighed "Look I'm telling you something because I'm you're bestfriend but if Lucy finds out I told you she's gonna kill me." He stopped her and groaned "If she has a new boyfriend I don't want to know." She rolled her eyes "It's definitely not that" he started walking towards the door "Look Angela Lucy is a grown Women and I don't care-" she interrupted him as he opened the door "Lucy's Pregnant!" She said quickly. He slammed the door and turned around "No. There's no way." He said somberly. She nodded "Yes. She just told the group chat" He thinks for a minute. They've been broken up for 2 months there's no way it's his. "Do you know how far along? Is the baby even mine?" She shrugged "I don't know I didn't ask and she says it is so I believe her. But Tim you gotta talk to her" He shook his head "No I can't because then she'll know I said something. I'm already pissed she waited at least a month to tell me." She was looking down at her phone. "What are you reading?" He asked her. "Here look" she said showing him the groupchat

Nyla: okay I guess Angela got busy but anyway I have questions.
Lucy: okay go
Nyla: How far along?
Lucy: 15 weeks
Nyla: oh wow so you were pregnant before you guys split up
Lucy: yes but I didn't know it.
Nyla: okay well when did you find out
Lucy: The day after he broke up with me
Nyla: So you've known for what 8 weeks
Lucy: Yeah and I feel bad keeping it from him
Nyla: So why keep it from him?
Lucy: Every time I've tried to tell him he's just not ready to civilly talk to me yet or he's got something going on plus
Nyla: plus it's harder because he left you
Lucy: If I'm not good enough for him then how are the baby's gonna be enough
Nyla: babys?

No one's POV
Both Angela and Tim's jaw dropped at that message. They looked at eachother "She's carrying my baby's. Twins Angela" She chuckled trying to lighten the situation. "Or triplets" his face turned worried "oh no. Look I'm gonna call her right now and I won't say anything if you don't want me to" Angela shook her head "No it's fine go ahead. She said she didn't know how to tell you anyways so she won't be mad" he nodded and walked out

Tim's POV
I decided this isn't a conversation to have over the phone so I decided to stop by her house while on patrol. I walked up to her door with flowers and chocolate. That one text had been rolling through my mind "I wasn't good enough for him" it was so wrong. She's more than enough for me and that's not why I left. That's actually why I left is because she's too good for me. I can't believe she wouldn't tell me about this. I thought we were different. I snapped out of my thought as I heard my radio go off and I knocked on her.

No one's POV
Lucy was in the kitchen trying to do the dishes but every smell was bothering her. She went to go lay down as she heard a knock on the door so she decided to look through the peep hole. Tim? What was he doing here. She groaned knowing Angela told him but then she sighed a sigh of relief because that means she didn't have to tell him. She opened the door "Hey... what are you doing here" she said gesturing him to come in. He smiled softly "I know we haven't talked much but I brought you flowers and your favorite chocolate from that store on 8th" she giggled and god did he miss that giggle. "Can we talk?" She said softly taking the flowers from him and putting them into a vase. He nodded "I think we should." She walked over to the couch "Why are you in uniform?" He shrugged "I figured if I came here after work I might bail because the conversation is-" she cut him off "scary?" He nodded "Look I'm gonna be honest. Angela told me everything. So I have to ask. Are the babies mine?" She groaned "why does everyone think they're not yours. I'm not a whore" his eyes widened "I didn't mean that at all. I just... we haven't been together for a bit and you don't just keep that from someone." She started to tear up "Look Tim. I kept it from you because this isn't at all what I pictured this part of my life to be. I wanted to be married or at least in a relationship and have a house with a big yard. I didn't picture myself doing it all alone" he scooted closer to her and wiped her tears "Hey! You are not gonna do this alone. I will be here every step of the way in whatever way you want me." She nodded "but what about when they get here? What do we do then?" He shrugged "look we can talk about that when the time comes. We can get a place all together or we can split time. We will figure out but I need to know twins? Triplets?" She giggled "Twins" He smiled "do you have any ultrasound pictures?" She nodded and chuckled as she was walking to get the pictures "you care about that kinda stuff" he looked at her weird "of course I do. Any man who doesn't is just an idiot" he said reaching out to grab the pictures. He smiled looking at them. "Do you know the genders yet?" She shook her head "No but they're identical so it's either two boys or two girls." He smiled just staring at the pictures "When do you find out?" She looked at the calendar "Friday" he looked at her and before he could say anything she asked him "Do you want to come?" He nodded and softly smiled "Yes. If that's okay with you." She nodded "it is but Tim we do need to talk" he looked at her "That's why I'm here." She started to get nervous but knew she had to stand her ground "Look. I love you and I already love our kids but I don't know what the future has in store for us. I don't want to tell you the babies will bring us together and I don't want to say we will always be coparenting because-" he cut her off "because I left you and if it was up to you we never wouldn't broken up." She started to tear up again "Exactly. I love you Tim and I want to be a family I just... I'm not ready. I need to take care of myself for me and the babies." He nodded "I know Lucy and we can talk more about everything closer to time." She smiled. This is going so much better than- "ouch!" She said cutting her out of her thoughts. Tim stood up "what?" She giggled after figuring out what it was "One of them just kicked" he raised his eyebrows in a question way and put his hand towards her belly "Can I?" She realized what he was doing "oh yeah! Of course" she grabbed his hand and put it over where she felt the last kick. "Wow that's a powerful kick. I'm saying boy" she scoffed "Tim Bradford don't be sexist" he smiled. He was happy again. He never thought he could be happy after the whole Ray situation. Finally after two months of chaos his life had a glimpse of hope and somberness in it.

Hey guys! I'm gonna try to start doing 1-2 chapters a night of this and at least 1 one shot a night. I might not always get to it but I will try!

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