Chapter 18: Pregnant?

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July 17th 2027
Lucy woke up and smiled at Tim sleeping next to her. She has his whole birthday planned out but she also has a secret to share


Lucy was dispatched to an all hands on deck shooting however Tim was not there do to both boys being sick. Lucy fired 3 shots before being struck in the chest and side.

Aaron ran over to her "officer down! I repeat officer down!" He felt to see if she had a pulse and she did.

She gasped as she woke back up "Fuck! I think my vest caught it but *she reached down and felt the blood* I think I just got grazed"

Bailey looked at her as she arrived "Doesn't matter you're still going to the hospital." Lucy groaned and obliged

Tim texted her "I heard there was an officer down situation are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine" she replied but she was lying because she didn't want to worry him.

The doctor walked in "So the wound is superficial so it will just be stitches but since it's on your stomach I'd like to do an ultrasound to make sure your baby is okay."

Lucy stopped "baby? No I'm not pregnant. I can't be" The doctor nodded "Im afraid you are Miss Chen. According to the urine test you are"

She smiled softly but she wasn't quite sure how she felt. They hadn't talk about a baby since the miscarriage. The doctor pulled her out of her thoughts "Is there someone you want to call before we do the ultrasound?" She shook her head. She knows she should have Tim here but she didn't want to pull him away from the boys.

The doctor pulled the machine in and she laid back looking at the screen. She hasn't missed her period at all so she expected to see a small 4 week baby.

The wand went over her stomach "There's your baby" she said as she pointed to the screen. Lucy's heart dropped for a second when she saw it "that is not a 4 week baby" the tech shook her head "Nope it looks like you're 16 weeks long"

Lucy bit her lip. How could she have not noticed she was 4 months pregnant. Oh no how is Tim going to react? Yes they've talked about more babies but they talked about being married first.

Lucy would be lying if she didn't think about all of her options. She knew she wanted the boys but this she wasn't so sure about this especially not after the miscarriage. She was taken out of her thoughts when the tech said "Miss Chen did you hear me?"

Lucy shook her head "No I'm sorry." The tech turned the screen "It's twins. Is that shocking?" She asked based off of Lucy's reaction. She shook her head "No I have twin boys at home. I'm sorry this just wasn't expected at all. I mean how I'm on pill. Oh my god I've been taking it for months can it do anything bad?"

The tech shook her head "No it can't you're fine but you could've been sick and thrown up the pill or taken a medication to counteract it" Lucy nodded and the tech continued "Do you want to know the gender?"

She quickly shook her head "No. my fiancé would be upset. I'll wait until I schedule an appointment but can I get pictures for him?"

The tech nodded "of course here" she said handing the pictures to Lucy.

Lucy looked down at her engagement ring and the photos thinking that maybe they could do it.

*this morning*

She laid there next to Tim wracking her brain all night and morning about the proper way to tell him. However she didn't know if there was so she just went for it.

"Baby I have something to tell you" She says as Tim starts stirring groggily

He smiles and lays his head on her chest "what is it?"

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