Chapter 4. Not now Maybe never

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It's been 6 weeks since they hooked up and they've hooked up at least twice a week. Being pregnant made Lucy super horny and whenever she wanted it Tim gave it to her.

To Lucy it didn't mean anything but to Tim it meant everything. Lucy walked into Tim's office and smiled "Hey, do you want me to come over tonight" "Why?" He snipped. She scoffed "Well I figured we could ya know. You don't gotta be a dick" he sighed "I'm sorry. Lucy I can't do it anymore. It's hurting me. I love you so much and I'm trying so hard to be supportive of this-"

She sat down "then why have you been saying yes" he looks at her softly "because I love you and anytime you let me show that I want to do but Ik to you it's just sex because you're pregnant with my kids and won't go to anyone else." She looked at him softly "Safe space?"

Safe space is what she would ask every time before they would air out their secrets, dirty laundry or true feelings. It was their way of saying 'don't judge me'

He nodded "of course" She grabbed his hand "I still love you but I need you to bare with me. I didn't have time to process our breakup properly because of my hormones. Now I don't want to get into a relationship after I give because of the hormones." He looked at her confused "So you don't want to be around me?"

She shook her head "No Tim I do. I'm saying that I love what we have right now and I love what we had. I want to have the baby's and see how we co-parent and how we both feel when my emotions are right. It's not fair to me, you or the boys if we get into something and my emotions aren't good. I'm not saying we will never be together again I'm just saying not yet

Tim liked that. It all made sense to him now. He smiled "Okay I get that" he shuffled the paperwork on his desk and stood up "I'm still down for the sex then" she giggled standing up to follow him

Her giggled fated as she felt an immense pressure and then what felt like she peed herself. "Tim! My water just broke" His eyes widened as he turned and looked at her "Oh my god okay let's go" he grabbed their bags and they walked out to his truck.

*7 hours later*

Tim was sitting in the delivery room staring at the blood on the floor while holding Deacon is his hand. He decided to call Angela  "Hey" he said softly with tears down his eyes. "Tim what's wrong. What happened" he sniffled "Lucy hemorrhaged after she had Griffin and he came out not breathing and-"

Angela was already on the way when he called. She responded "Tim I'm almost there just hold on" she hung up and parked practically running inside to find the room.

She walked in and watched as the nurses cleaned up the blood while Tim was in the corner just starting at Deacon holding him close.

She walked over Tim and sat down "Tim what happened... where's Lucy? Where's griffin?"

He looked up at her slowly "Griffin came out with the cord rapped around him. He was unresponsive and they wheeled him out and then Lucy passed out. There was so much blood Angela."

She grabbed Deacon from him as he started to freak out "What happened after that where is she?" He looked at her "She's in surgery but I haven't heard anything and Griffin I-"

Tim was cut off by the door being opened and a nurse wheeling in Griffin. He sighed a sigh of relief quickly getting up "Oh my god finally. I haven't heard anything about his condition in 30 minutes"

The nurse looked at him "He's okay for now. We got him breathing on his own but there may be underlying issues down the road." He nodded "Can I hold him." She smiled "of course. Has anyone updated you on the mom?"

He shook his head "No and I'm terrified" she nodded "I will go find an update for you and I'll be right back" she said as she left the room.

Tim walked over to Angela while holding Griffin "I don't know what I'll do if she's not okay." She looked over at him "Well Lucy I'd a fighter so I think she'll but okay but if she's not you have all of us. We all have your back"

He nodded. No one knew they were more than friends or more than coparents as you'd say. Tim was scared really scared

*3 hours went by*

Tim was in the nursery with the boys waiting on any news about Lucy. A nurse walked into the nursery "Mr.Bradford?" He stood up "Is she okay?" He said standing up looking at her. She nodded "Yes. She's awake and wants to see you and the boys."

He smiled "Awesome I'll go see her thank you." He grabbed both bassinets and wheeled them into her room. She started to cry as she saw them. "My babies. Are they okay?" He gave both of them too her "They're okay. How's their mom" he said softly

She softly smiled looking at both boys and Tim. She didn't even want to think about what just happened and honestly she doesn't remember most of it. They told her she loss too much blood and had to get a bunch of stitches.

He kissed her forehead "Luce I'm serious" She wanted to be vulnerable and in the moment she didn't care about the repercussions. "I was scared at first but I'm okay now. Also can I have an actual kiss?" 

He chuckled and nodded giving her an actual kiss. He also just wanted to be in the moment. She looked down at Griffin "Is he okay?" She asked Tim quietly with a little worry in her voice.

Tim nodded "Yes for now. The doctors said their might be problems down the road but he's okay for now." You could see the panic in her eyes. He put his hand on her cheek "Lucy he's okay. It'll be fine we'll cross that bridge when we get there" She nodded knowing she needed to be calm

*three days later*

Tim had both car seats in hand "Are you ready Lucy? I've got everything in car except the boys" She giggled "I see that" He smiles and they go down to the truck.

"You guys are still coming to my place right?" Tim asked as they were driving. She nodded "Oh yeah definitely especially after the crazy birth I need you" he grinned "Ha Lucy Chen needs me" she slapped his arm and looked out the window "Yeah I'm never admitting that again" he chuckled then realized he forgot to tell her about everyone. "oh by the way remember what we did for Angela?"

She nodded and then realized and got excited "Oooh is everyone at your house!" He chuckled knowing she'd love that "Yes" he said parking the car in their driveway.

They both got out and went inside. They were greeted by everyone and then put the twins down in Lucy's room so they could talk to people.

Nyla walked over to Lucy "So are you and Tim a thing?" She shook her head "No. We're just staying here to make things easy and so Tim can help." She side eyed her "Girl there's no way you can be around him normally without thinking about a relationship."

She sighed and looked over at Tim "I love him but I can't do it right now. We both decided that we'd revisit rebuilding us when ready"

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