Chapter 15: Moving in?

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It has been 3 months since the Moment with Lucy's mom and 5 months since Tim and Lucy rekindled. Tim was finally back on Metro so he got his office back.

They haven't talked much about Lucy moving in after she told him her lease was going to be hard to get out of it. It wasn't she just had cold feet.

Lucy knocked on the door. He smiled as he saw her and waved her in "Hey baby what's up? Is everything okay?"

She walked over to him "So I was thinking with your hours being all different there's no need for the boys to be alone with the nanny at your place through the week"

He sat his stuff down not really understanding her and looked up "Are you taking away my days with them? because that's not fair"

She shook her head and chuckled "No I'm trying to say I want to move in with you"

He smiled and pulled her closer so she was sitting on his lap "What about your lease?"

She sighed "I lied I can get out of it"

He scoffed "Lucy why would you lie about that? If you didn't want to you should've just said that."

"I know I'm sorry but I'm ready now" she said with a smile.

He smiled and kissed her softly "Awesome. So when do you want to move in? Next month?"

She shrugged slightly "Well I was thinking more like Tonight and then since tomorrows the weekend we can bring everything over"

"How are you going to pack that fast?" He said confused

"Well James and Wesley and some of the community center kids are kinda already packing up the place as we speak and this weekend I was going to make you and Nolan use your trucks and take them to your house" she said getting closer to him if that was even possible.

Tim chuckled "What would you have done if I said no."

She looked at him confused "Were you going to say no"

"Of course not. I've been waiting for this for years now but what are we gonna do with boys' stuff they don't need 4 of everything and it's not like we need any of it if we have another kid because we already have double at my house" he said chuckling cause it was true.

"Well Genny actually asked me for their baby stuff so it'll be going to her and whatever she doesn't want James will find someone in his neighborhood who could use them." She said fiddling with his buckle shocked he hasn't caught onto her yet

"Is she pregnant? Or just still trying?" He asked as he knew Lucy and her talked quite often. Lucy shrugged as she was too focused on undressing Tim.

He looked down and realized pants were unbuckled and his shirt was untucked. He chuckled "Lucy what are you doing?"

She groaned at the fact of being caught "I was just trying to see if you'd go for it I'm so-" she cut herself off as she didn't want to say it.

He shook head "Naughty girl but I like it" he looked at her then the door and the blinds. He smirks "Shut the blinds and lock the door then come back over here"

She did as he said and she walked back over and saw Tim sitting there with his pants and boxers down to his ankles.

She giggled "I'm assuming I'm taking the lead on this?" He nodded "you initiated it you finish it"

She nodded dropped her pants and started making her way over to him eagerly. She put her legs on both sides of him and slid down on his length. "Oh fuck!" He said holding her up while biting his lip.


As she got dressed, she looked at Tim and smiled "I mean what I said though. I'm ready to do this." He smiled and kissed her softly "I'm glad now just maybe I can get you to get on board with marrying me?" he said with a sly smile as she walked towards the door.

She giggled "Not just yet Bradford." He groaned and sat down his chair pulling out his phone to text Angela

T: Lucys moving in

A: I know. She told me last night when she asked to steal my husband.

T: Oh yeah right so since we're moving her in Saturday could you do me a favor?

A: Yes I will watch the boys

T: Thank you

A: Anytime but you get mine the weekend after

T: Deal.

*That night*

Tim was laying on the bed scrolling through his phone as Lucy crawled on top of him smiling. He chuckled moving his phone "What's got you all happy"

"I'm going to say 2 things before I tell you" Tim nodded and she continued "1.Dont yell the boys are sleeping 2. I just found out" as she said that she quickly showed him the test.

His eyes got wide and he smiled really big "You're pregnant!" He whisper yelled.

She nodded really big and giggled as he flipped to be on top of her "That's so awesome! Are you happy?" He asked question her for a second.

She giggled "Yes I am. It was a big surprise but it's a good step." He kissed her softly and whispered "So is marriage."

She groaned "No Timothy not yet." He nodded but didn't understand why she wouldn't marry him. All he wanted was her but he had to respect her choices.

They laid down and talked about cute little baby names together and then fell asleep.

That weekend they were moving Lucy in and she went to go grab a big box when Tim ran over "No don't strain yourself"

she rolled her eyes at him "it's okay I can-" she was cut off by a shop pain in her left side which caused a groan.

He looked at her worried "Are you okay?" She shook her head "No I don't think so" Lucy's eyes geared up fearing the worst. They had Nolan finish moving in the rest of the stuff and they went to the hospital.

Lucy looked at Tim "I'm bleeding" she said softly a tear falling from her eye. They both knew what that meant but they didn't want to admit it until the doctors had confirmed it.

Tim looked at her and wiped her tears away "it's okay baby we'll get through this" she nodded and laid her head on his shoulder as they waited.

The doctor had confirmed it... she had miscarried. 72 hours is how long they knew before they lost her. They didn't really know if it was a girl as she was only 7 weeks along but they knew it was a girl.

Tim opened the door to their house as she walked in in front of him. "Is there anything I can do for you baby" he said softly looking at her as she walked to their room slowly.

She stopped turned around "Can we just lay in bed for the rest of the tonight. I don't feel like doing anything"

He nodded and they crawled into bed. He looked down at her as she cuddled into him closely "I'm sorry baby I know you were excited and we can-"

She cut him off "Tim I don't want to talk about her right now okay... I just can't do it" he nodded and kissed her softly. They watched tv and drifted asleep

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