Chapter 2. What are they? Who are they?

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Lucy's POV
It's been a couple of weeks since the gender ultrasound. Originally I was just gonna find out but now that Tim knew I figured I'd do something to find it out so I gave the Gender to Angela to tell us.

No one's POV
Tim and Lucy had been very good about including each other but not going to far. He even started taking extra shifts to make sure he had extra money for the babies. Lucy and Tim had no clue when Angela was gonna tell them they just knew that she knew so it was driving them insane. Tim walked into the locker room before work and opened his locker when blue confetti came out. He quickly got dressed and walked out to find Angela or Lucy to see if that meant what he thought it meant. He spotted them at Angela's desk and he walked over there "Hey what was that in my locker! Was that the gender?" He said excitedly and Angela gave him a look "Yes but Lucy doesn't know yet" he raised his eyebrows "Why not" she chuckled and handed Lucy a box "because I got her a cute bracelet with the color of the gender on it" Lucy smiled "awww thank you" she grabbed the box and Tim smiled big eagerly waiting for her to open it. She opened it and her mouth opened wide "Oh my gosh! Boys!" She hugged Angela and then Tim. "I know! See I told you!" She laughed as his comment. They walked away to go talk to somewhere else as they got a call over the radio. "This is 7-Adam-15 requesting backup at *location*" Lucy turned to head out. Tim grabbed her arm "Uh uh No way are you going to a shots fired situation" she scoffed and pulled away "you're not my boss Tim" she kept walking and he followed "Okay but those boys in there are half mine so I do" she hopped in her shop "you aren't stopping me" he groaned "fine but I'm coming with you" she shrugged her shoulders "suit yourself" he rolled his eyes and got in. "You know you really should take it easy." She glared "I tried to be a detective but since I meddled and loved you too much that didn't work out." Ouch that one hurt. "Lucy..." he said softly feeling so bad about everything that happened. She put her career on the line for a relationship that got ruined. They arrived on the scene and Lucy immediately ran over to the scene. Bullets were flying so they both ducked for covering. "Lucy don't you think we should wait for more back up" Lucy could see Celina, John and Aaron struggling to fend these guys off. She turned and looked at him "you're just saying that because I'm pregnant. Now are you gonna help or not" he groaned "fine I'm helping." She came up behind one of the guys shot him in the arm getting him to drop his weapon. "Get him Bradford I'll go get the other guy" Tim snipped "No officer Chen you stay here with him I'll go" she wanted to argue but she didn't. He's right he does have some of a say

*at lunch*
Tim walked over to Lucy outside and sat a bag of food down "Here 2 veggie burgers and fries" she giggled "Good the boys are hungry and you owe me an apology" he scoffed "no I don't. I told you I don't want you on patrol but I can't stop you oh also we're gonna have to name them. They can't just be 'the boys' " Lucy started to think "you're right. Uhm got any ideas?" He thought for a second "well whose last name are they getting because the first names gotta go with the last name." She looked at him weird "Yours I assumed" he shrugged "I didn't know. I was leaving that up to you." She shook her head "they're you're sons they get your last name. How about you name one I name one" he chuckled " deal but no super rimey names" she pouted her lip "but those are so cute" he groaned "No they're not but we can do same initials. That I'm okay with." She thought about it for a second then agreed "Okay that's fine. I kinda already have mine though" he laughed "Okay who are you naming A or B" she had a perfect name for twin B he was calmer and patient and she knew the perfect name. "Twin B" he nodded "let's hear it" she got cut off at Celina and Aaron walked over. Tim groaned "Go away we're naming babies over here" they laughed and walked the other way. Some people didn't get it but they knew they both loved those boys. Lucy calmed her laughter "Griffin Timothy Bradford" he smiled "Really?" She was confused "what do you not like it?" He chuckled "No I love it I'm just a little shocked with his middle name." She sighed "Tim you're the father. We didn't work out but that doesn't matter. They're getting your last name and yes I want his middle name to be Timothy. He's calm when his brothers being insane. Calm in the storm like you. I thought it fit perfectly" Tim nodded "It definitely does. Now Twin A. I've got first names rn." She looked at him "well?" He decided to just rapid fire them "Okay stop me when you like one. William. Samuel. Maddox. Ford. Deacon." She stopped him "Deacon that's pretty" Tim smiled "I agree but uhm isn't it weird that Twin A is gonna be first but Twin B has my middle name as his." Lucy thought for a second "uhm they could both get it. Deacon Timothy Bradford is cute"  he shrugged "but isn't that weird? To have the same one?" She shook her head "No I don't think so. Ask Angela" she said as Angela walked right by them. "Hey Angela I got a question" Tim said stopping her. She turned around "Oooh I heard you were over here naming them so what do you need" Tim chuckled "would it be weird if they both had the same middle name" Angela shook her head "No I don't think so especially if the name has a meaning. What is it?" She said trying to pry the names out of them. They both said they wouldn't tell anyone the names for awhile but they looked at eachother then her and Tim said "It's my name" Angela sat down as she was destined to get their full names. "See that's not gonna be weird because who do you give it to if not both" Lucy and Tim both chuckled and Lucy responded "Exactly. That was the question so we just did both" Angela eyed them "But does the name go with both first names" they both could tell what she was doing. Tim pulled out his phone to text Lucy

Tim: Are we gonna tell her?
Lucy: I'm okay with it if you are
Tim: Are we 100% on Griffin and Deacon?
Lucy: I am. Are you?
Tim: Yes

Tim looked up "Well do you want to know the names." She hit his arm "Duh tell me" "well you can't tell anyone" Lucy said looking around . Angela scoffed "just tell me already" Tim chuckled "Deacon and Griffin" Angela took in the name and pondered for a second causing Tim and Lucy to be confused. "What do you hate them?" Lucy asked concerned. Angela shook her head "No but and I know they're not my kids but what if Deacons middle name was something else" Tim looked at her slyly "like what?" She smiled "Gray." Lucy smiled and looked at Tim "I know we said him being the first and not having your name is weird but I kinda really like it" Tim stood up as he had to leave. "Yes I agree Deacon Gray it is"

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