Chapter 17: Its always been you

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It's been 3 months since that night. They haven't talked much about getting engaged since the talk of rings and her saying she was ready. She always said 4th of July would be a good time and today is that day.

They all had the next two days off since they worked the last holiday, so Nolan decided to throw a big fourth of July party with the help of Aaron. 

Tim, Lucy and the kids had been there all day and even though there was only 45 minutes until the fireworks Tim kept getting worried Lucy would bump into the ring.

Tim quickly walked over to Wesley "Hey can you hide this in your suit? She keeps rubbing up against me and Shes almost found it twice." He said handing the ring box to him. 

He chuckled and put the box into his tux pocket. "Definitely just give me a signal when you need it." 

He nodded "I will also why am I so nervous. I'm never nervous"

James walked over "Nervous about what?" he asked butting in as Nolan walked over with him.

"Tim's proposing" Angela says and Tim gives her a look "So much for it being a secret." 

"Congratulations! It's about time. It's been what 4 years"

He chuckled at Nolans response. " I have just been waiting on her. I had the ring being made and then we broke up. Then she had the boys and it was just hard for her but I'm hoping she's ready now." 

James looked at him "So after you get married what's next?"

Tim smiled "More babies and a bigger house I hope" 

Angela chuckled "Casa Bradford getting too small for you?"

"Well I have twins and I live in a 3 bedroom so having more kids would make it crowded." He said chuckling taking a sip of his beer. 

"Yeah I couldn't imagine having twins and wanting more?" Nyla said as Lucy walked over

"Whose talking about having more?" Lucy butted-in side eyeing everyone.

"Guilty" Tim said chuckling then looking at her and she rolled her eyes and walked off. They all looked at him concerned and he went after her.

Tim ran after her and grabbed her arm as she entered the kitchen of Aarons house. "Lucy what is wrong?"

She turned around "Good enough to have babies with but not marry" She wasn't sure why she was acting like this but little did she know there was a reasoning to all of her mood swings. 

He scoffed and rolled his eyes dropping her arm "Are you serious right now. Get that out of your head. You're the one who didn't want to get married."

"Well now you don't want to!" 

"Oh my god" He threw his hands up and walked out of the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" she asked going after him

"Wesley!" he yelled loud enough to catch his attention.

Tim stopped as Lucy reached him. "What does Wesley have to do with this?" she said confused.

Wesley made his way to them "Here" he said chuckling handing Tim the box

"Thank you" Tim replied taking it from him.

"Oh my god. I'm so stupid" Lucy said putting her hands over her face when she realized.

Tim chuckled and got down on one knee and opened the box. "I wouldn't say that. I'd say worried. I was going to wait until we were watching the fireworks with the boys and no one had their eyes on us but you just had to have everyone watching" She giggled as tears formed in her eyes "I have loved you for 4 years through the ups and downs and I will never stop. I have had this ring sitting at the Jewelers for 4 years waiting to be sized. I just had to wait for you to act right." she rolled her eyes and he chuckled continuing "I love you and our little family and I want to spend the rest of our lives together. Lucy Chen will you-"

"Yes" she said pulling him up and cutting him off with a kiss. 

He laughed "You didn't even let me say it."

She put her hands out gesturing for him to continue. He smiled "will you marry me?" he asked her sliding the ring onto her hand.

She smiled "Yes yes I will" she kissed him softly just as the first firework goes off.

He turns and looks at her "You could have waited 10 more minutes" She giggled "I'm sorry"

Tim whispered in her ear "You're going to pay for that little fit you threw later tonight"

She bit her lip as her breath hitched "Do we have the Boys tonight" She asked that because normally when Tim makes big gestures or plans a date night he finds a sitter.

He grinned pulling away from the hug "Nope. Nolan and Bailey do." 

*I'm sorry this is so short. I thought it should be cute and sweet*

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