Chapter 6. Moving out

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After Lucy left the station, she went back to Tims to pack up the stuff she would need for her house. Now obviously she didn't take everything as Tim would need stuff for his house as well, but she packed up majority of the stuff.

Lucy didn't want to leave, and it pained her to know he won't see the boys every day, but this was necessary in her mind. She had hoped with her leaving he could hopefully move on from her letting her move on.

She hated that she felt like that because in all reality she wanted him back, but she owed it to her boys to love them fully first then fix herself before trying anything with Tim.

Tim walked in the house "Hey Luce what did you wa-" he stopped and stared you "What is all this?" You were sitting on the couch with both boys carseats next to the coffee table and boxes next to the door. "Tim I think it's time that we go" Lucy said softly standing up.

His heart sank. The day he had been dreading is finally happening. "Tonight?" he said softly trying to hold back the lump in his throat. She nodded causing anger in him. "No." She walked closer to him "Tim we have to" He shook his head "Please not tonight. I know it's not my night but let me have the boys in my room tonight then you can leave in the morning."

She sighed as he walked closer to her "Tim I don't think that's a good idea. I think we're blurring the lines." "Lucy I have no idea when I'm going to get them next. I want to be their dad stop trying to take that away from me simply because you don't love me anymore." He said looking down at her their body's almost touching now.

Lucy hated that she made him feel like that as that wasn't her intention. "Tim I'm not trying to do that, and I do love you. That is the problem Tim, I still love you." Those 4 words sent his heart into overdrive. His lips instantly met hers not caring about what her reaction would be.

She kissed him back and for a second she thought maybe just maybe we can blur the lines one last time. Tim pulled away "I'm sorry I just felt like I needed to do that. I'm sorry if I made things worse." She could still feel his hands around her cheeks and feel his chest against hers. She wanted to tell him right then and there that nothing mattered anymore but she was so wrong.

She never got time to heal from the breakup. She got thrown into the Blair and Monica mess and then she got pregnant, and they started hooking up and then they became parents and then... She was taken out of her thought by Tim.

"Lucy..." He said looking at her waiting for her to respond. "What?" He sighed "Can I have the boys or did that kiss make things worse?" She shook her head "No it didn't make things worse and yes you can have the boys for the night." He smiled "Thank you."

You walked over to the table where he had put the takeout bags. You opened them and looked at him "They're actually already in your room. I was gonna leave them here for the night but we might as well have dinner together."

He smiled "Good and we can talk about me maybe getting the boys a couple of days a week" he said raising his eyebrows walking to the table hoping she'll take the hint.

She softly smiled "You can have them after I go back to week." He smiled faded "So I won't see them for a whole month" She gasped a lot "No that's not what I meant. You can come see them or we can come over I just don't want to have a night without them until I go back to work."

Tim nodded "How about I take your first day off so that night I can have the boys and you can have good sleep." She smiled "that would be good. So what were you thinking? How do we go about this coparenting?" He shrugged "No clue your miss Psychology major *he chuckled* what's the best way to not traumatize them"

She laughed "Well they're too small to be traumatized but we could just do every other week switching on Friday nights. It's gonna suck but it'll be a better routine" He smiled and spoke softly "You're gonna give me 50/50"

She groaned "You think I'm some monster but I'm not." Tim shook his head "No I'm just saying most moms wouldn't do that but I appreciate it. Now not that I don't trust you but are you okay if I have Wesley draw this up?" He said looking at her hoping he didn't cross a line.

Angela had told him to do that just to make sure that whatever they verbally talked about was legally binding. She looked at him "No court right?" He shook his head "No. Wesley says we just have to draft a custody agreement and both sign. It should be quick and simple."

Lucy agreed as she had no problem with this and honestly thought it was a good idea. After they ate for a little bit she looked at him. "Hey do you think you could help me move some of the stuff back into my place."

He sighed but not because he doesn't want to but because he's annoyed that she thinks just because she's moving out he won't help her. "Look Lucy I will always help you. I'll always be there when you call. You're the one leaving because you think things are weird but they're not." She nodded as she didn't really know what to say and they continued their dinner.

*next day*

Tim and Nolan helped Lucy move back into her apartment and get everything for the twins set up. Celina lived there as well (Imagine theirs 3 rooms) so obviously she helped too.

Angela walked in towards the end "Hey guys Wesley said he needed your signatures for this and then you're good to go" She said handing Lucy and Tim a folder with their custody agreement in it. "Wow that was fast" Lucy said as Angela sat down to play with the boys.

"Yeah well Wesley did it first thing this morning because as you know statistically Kidnappings are normally the non custodial parent or the parent losing the custody agreement."

Tim scoffed "you think I'm gonna take my kids" Angela chuckled "Yeah sure blondie you're gonna take off to where" Lucy laughed "Calm down Tim I think he just did it as a formality" "mhm sure" he said sipping his beer. They spent the rest of the night getting all the rooms situated and talking.

*Sorry this was short I ran out of inspo*

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