Chapter 5. The boys

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It has been 2 months since the boys were born and Lucy was still living with Tim. Surprisingly things weren't weird between the two of them. They just jumped right into parenthood and sex was nowhere on their mind.

Lucy was still on Maternity leave but Tim had to go back today. He woke up and looked at the clock as he walked down the hall into the kitchen. *6:30* it read.

As he was getting ready he heard crying so he poked his head into Lucy's room to see if she needed help. She looked over at him groggily "Hey what are you doing" she said. He walked over to Griffin as she had Deacon. "I go back today remember" she nodded "I know I just didn't know the time."

He chuckled "Do you want me to give him a bottle while you feed deacon?" She nodded "Please if you have time" Of course he had time he woke up earlier just to make sure he had time to help her.

He felt really bad about having to leave her but he had to go back to work.

After he got Griffin fed and back to sleep he put him back in Lucy's room. They were all three asleep so he kissed them all on the forehead and told them bye.

Tim didn't think Lucy noticed but she did and she just kept it to herself.

*2 hours later at the station*

Tim was at his desk doing paper work when Angela walked over "How's Lucy doing?" He turned and showed her a text that read "I'm doing good surprisingly and the boys are sleeping" Angela laughed "Did you just ask her?"

He chuckled "I've asked her 3 times since I got here" Angela sat on his desk "You gotta let her breathe Timothy" He groaned at her calling him that "I know but I just wish I was still there" she nodded "Yeah I know but eventually she's gonna move out and you won't see them everyday"

Tim looked at her with a glare. Why on earth would she remind him of that. The one thing he hated the most. "Yeah thinks for reminding me." She stood up "Im sorry I was just saying." He stood up and nodded "I know but I just want her back. Im waiting on her to want me back"

Angela sighed "It's okay Tim she'll want you back one day" he choked on his sadness "I should of just never left" he muttered.

Tim went back to working as Angela walked away and he saw a stroller out of the corner of his eye. He looked up and saw Lucy and the boys coming towards him.

He stood up as they got to him. "What's wrong?" She smiled "Nothings wrong I just figured we'd get out today and come see daddy at work." He smiled and looked at his watch "Wanna go get something to eat then?"

She nodded "I'm starving." He chuckled "that's why you came. So I would buy you food." She laughed "Well the boys weren't letting me put them down so I could cook"

He smiled "it's fine. I'll take an excuse to see you guys." He said looking down at the sleeping boys.

*after they got food and sat down*

"So I've got something kinda exciting to tell you." Lucy said causing Tim to look up at her "What's that?" "Rachel's moving back." Tim looked at her with a raised eyebrow "Why does that pertain to me?"

Lucy thought maybe with Rachel moving back that she could fall back in love with Tim and Tim could finally move on from Lucy. It wasn't that Lucy didn't like Tim it was the opposite actually.

Lucy didn't like going back to things because she had a fear that the end would never be rewritten. She looked at him "Maybe you guys could give back together"

Tim immediately shook his head "No. I have kids with her best friend there's no way she'd take me back." Lucy sighed "You don't know that." He dropped his head a bit "Lucy are you trying to tell me something?"

She was but she shook her because she didn't want to say anything. They had finished their food and the boys woke up so Tim was holding them both just soaking it up before he had to go back in.

Angela walked over "Aww it's the three Bradford blondies." Tim chuckled "Want one?" She raised an eyebrow "To hold? Or to keep forever cause I will definitely take one"

He chuckled "calm down Lopez don't take my kid just hold him" he said holding out Griffin. She smiled "So Lucy do you want more kids after them or do they make you swear kids off forever"

Lucy laughed "Honestly I'm not sure. I would be okay with just them." Tim kept silent thinking about how they talked about having 3 kids and she knows that's what she wants.  He wasn't sure if she had made her mind on them or if she was simply projecting. 

Nolan and Celina walked over "What is this a Bradford party?" Tim nodded "Well seeing as there are 3 if us sitting here, I would say so" That got everyone to laugh but rubbed Lucy the wrong way as she wished he would've said 4.

Lucy got knocked out of her thoughts when her timer went off. She stood up "Time for you to go back to work babe." she said grabbing Deacon from Tim. Tim looked at her eyes wide and everyone else looked at each other. "I'm gonna go by Lucy" Angela said putting Griffin in the stroller and taking off with everyone else.

Lucy still hadn't realized what she said it could be sleep deprivation or just a force of habit. She looked at Tim "What was that about? Why did they leave and why are you looking at me like that?" He chuckled standing up "You called me babe and they probably felt awkward because we aren't together." 

she palmed her face looking at him "I'm sorry I'm just so tired that I let it slip." He smiled "It's okay that means that there is hope for us after all." he kissed both boys and left leaving Lucy in her thoughts. She loves living with him and the boys but maybe it's blurring the lines and making her lose sight on her true feelings. 

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