Chapter 10. Give us a try?

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The boys were almost a year old now and getting very mobile and it was nice out so Lucy decided to take them to the park on her day off.
They were at the park for about an hour with both twins in swings next to eachother when Deacon started yelling "Dada Dada Dada" Lucy was confused because Tim wasn't there. "Buddy who do you see?" He started freaking out and pointing "Dada" she looked up and saw a cop on uniform. Ohhh it's a cop that's why it's probably not Tim. Deacon started screaming causing the cop to turn around "Deacon baby stop it's not daddy" but she was wrong. Tim was on foot patrol today as Gray decided it was a good day for it. He had gotten used to not seeing the boys everyday but somedays were harder than others. A part of him just wishes he could see them everyday and have a little family but he knows Lucy isn't ready for that. He was walking past a park and heard a little kid scream so he turned around. He was kinda shocked when he turned around and it was his own kid screaming. He walked down "Hey Lucy what's going on." She looked up "Oh it is you." He chuckled as he picked up Deacon to calm him down "Yeah what's that supposed to mean" she laughed going over to push Griffin "Well he started screaming 'dada' and then pointing and I didn't know you were on foot patrol so I didn't think it was you." He laughed "you just thought he was mistaking another cop for me" she nodded "exactly because he always is." He chuckles "He does it with you too. Griffin especially every cop with long brown hair is mommy" she smiled "They'll grow out of it but it's cute" she picked up griffin and they started walking to the stroller "where ya guys goin" he asked and she looked up as she set Griffin down "We're gonna go get Lunch" he sighed softly scared she was gonna say no "Look Lucy I know it's not my day but is it okay if I go with you." She smiled "Of course. Come on" over the last year Lucy has grown a lot. Her hormones have changed and her thought has changed but one thing that never changed was how much she loved Tim. If anything it intensified by seeing how he is with the boys. She would loved to try things again but she wasn't sure how he felt.

They got in the car and drove over to lunch. Tim radios that he's going on lunch and then they walked into a little shop. Lucy walked over to a table with the boys and waited while Tim ordered and waited for their food.

Deacon sat down and saw Tim coming over "Dada Dada Dada" Tim chuckled "Yes buddy dadas here" he said smiling sitting down next to him.

They got both of boys their food and after a little of just talking to them Tim looked over at Lucy. "Luce can we talk?" He said remembering how they haven't really spoken much since the vacation nearly 6 months ago.

She nodded "Yes I was gonna talk to you when you picked them up Friday but I'm glad we can talk now." She said while watching the boys eat.

Tim sighed "Parenting is hard without Luce. I love you. I don't like only seeing them every other week." He said looking at her softly.

She smiled "I feel the same. I'm sorry for everything that happened on vacation." When she said that Tim nodded slowly "I know and I'm sorry for how I reacted it's just that trip was supposed to save us but it broke us even more."

He was right. They were good at coparenting and hanging out and then it just got awkward and then they had that trip and it was even more awkward.

Lucy looked at him "I just want things taken slow." He groaned "if you're gonna make me wait another year I might go insane" "no I'm just saying I feel the same but we'll figure it out later" she said giggling.

After Lunch Lucy said she was gonna drop him off at his shop since if they walk to the park again the boys will go crazy and wanna play. He hopped in and after a minute of driving he figured he'd take a shot as he saw her right hand resting on the center console. He slowly reached for it and intertwined their fingers. She glanced over at their hands and smiled relaxing again. They drove like that for the next 3 minutes. As they parked he smiled and looked at her "Lucy I meant what I said. I still love you" she turned and kissed him softly causing him to drop her hand and put both on her cheeks kissing back. After a second she pulled away "Do you wanna go on a date?" He said causing her to giggle "Yes even though we already have two kids" he chuckled "Well dates are never a bad thing plus we can talk about what just happened" he said getting out. "Yeah but whose gonna watch the boys" he just remembered his sister asked for them "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you something. I was going to when I picked them up Thursday but my sister wants to take them Friday night to go see our Aunt." She kinda thought looked at him funny "like overnight" but then the thought of being with Tim alone overnight started to flood in. That would be so awesome she thought. Tim nodded "Yes. I told her I had to talk to you but I'm okay with it" She nodded "I mean it's your time and if you trust her with both of them overnight then I trust you." He smiled shutting the door leaning into the window "Then perfect I'll drop them off Friday after work and then I'll come get you around 8" she smiled "Sounds perfect" as she drove off she was thinking that she was finally going to have her little family

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