Chapter 21: Telling everyone?

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Lucy was now 20 weeks pregnant and with twins she started to show quickly. She groaned throwing all of her clothes off as she couldn't find anything to wear.

Tim chuckled watching her as he laid on the bed.

She groaned "stop laughing nothing fits"

He sits up "that's not true. Nothing hides your belly"

"Yes we'll I need it to"

He looks at her weird "why? Are you ashamed of them?"

"No of course not it's just no one knows yet

"Well they're healthy."

She nodded as what he said didn't really mean much to her as she was still worried and she hasn't let herself believe it until now.

He sighed and stood up walking over to her, putting his arms around her from behind leaning his head on her shoulder. "Baby look the girls are okay. The doctor said they're two healthy babies. People should know. I mean I'm pretty sure they already know"

She looked at him quickly "did you tell them?"

"No I didn't but Harper and Lopez have both been hounding me because they swear you're different" he chuckled because it was true

"Well my boobs have grown and Ik I'm-"

He cut her off "Moody"

She slapped his shoulder lightly causing him to laugh "shut up!" She protested.

He smiled and kissed her cheek "I'm just saying they're not wrong and it's fine. I just think people should know from you telling them and not them just finding out"

She nodded "you're right"

He smiled and knelt down and kissed her belly "You girls behave today don't hurt mom too much" he went to stand up when he felt a kick and he kneeled back down and looked up at Lucy "Did you feel that?"

She giggled "Yes"

He chuckled "Who was it?"

She smiled "well they're both kicking. You felt baby A and this is baby B" she said moving his hand

He smiled "Okay this is definitely Harper. Her kicks definitely harder" he looks up at her "So that makes baby A Elisabeth."

She smiled as he laid two kisses to her belly and stood up. "I think it is perfect"

Tim kissed her "The nanny is already here so let's get going" he said pushing her towards the door chuckling.

Tim and Lucy decided to hire their own nanny once he went back to metro as the hours didn't align with Lopez anymore. Lopez and Harper now share a nanny.

As Tim and Lucy parked at the station. Lucy looked over at him "Could you help me out of the truck?"

He looked at her confused but nodded and walked over to her. She's not that far along so he was a bit concerned. "Are you okay? Is something wrong" he said helping her dad

She smiled "I'm okay baby it's just ones sitting on my bladder and the others by my hip so it was hard to get down"

He groaned and put his hand on her belly "I told you girls to behave now come on"

She giggled "did you talk to the boys like that?"

He nodded "Yes. Just when you were asleep because we weren't together and I didn't want you to think that I was weird."

She laughed as they walked in not realizing Angela watched them walk in

She gasped "You're pregnant! I knew it"

Lucy looked at her "Why do you think that"

"That" she said pointing to Tim's hand still on her belly

Tim moved his hand quickly and groaned "dammit. I'm sorry Luce"

Lucy sighed "it's okay we were going to tell all of you tonight."

They were at Lucy's desk and everyone started to walk by

A: It's fine I'm glad I knew first

John walked back over hearing "well actually I knew first but Tim lied"

Tim smirked "I was not allowed to tell you yet. We literally only found out the day before"

Angela and Johns eyes went wide. "Wow well so you're super early" Angela said

"Wellll I'm actually 20 weeks but I was 16 weeks when we found out" Lucy said biting her lip

Nyla walked over "what's this all about" she said pointing to everyone

John looked at her "Oh Lucy is pregnant like half way there pregnant"

Nyla smiled and hugged her "Congratulations but you look further than that"

She groaned and Tim chuckles "Twins"

"Girl again. Nuh-Uh. You should never let that man come near you again" Nyla said pointing at Tim

Tim made his squinty eye face "Ha Ha don't make me regret the name I chose"

"Oh now what does that mean Bradford" she said intrigued

John: "Yes please tell us the names and gender"

Angela: "Do you guys never want to be surprised?"

"No" they both said at the same time

Lucy giggled "They're girls. Elisabeth and Harper"

Nyla looked at Tim with an 'aww' look "Did you pick the last one Bradford"

Tim made a face "Yes I did. I can still change it ya know"

Lucy laughed "He wouldn't. Harper Rose and Elisabeth Mae are the names we have settled on"

Tim nodded and smiled. After everyone said their congratulations they all walked off to continue their day.

Tim heard officer down over the radio and ran out of his office to make sure Lucy was at her desk. He sighed a sigh of a relief when he saw her at her desk

She looked up "Hey what's wrong" she said confused

He sat down on her desk "I heard officer down and got scared that it was you."

She smiled "You're cute when you're worried." She said putting her hand on his that rested on his leg.

"Lucy" he said softly bending his head down looking her in the eyes.

She knew that this meant there was more to the conversation. When she was pregnant with the boys he didn't press the conversation much but they were not together so he felt as tho he had no pull.

Now that they were engaged and had built a stable life he knew he could talk about it. She knew his worry and looked up at him "I already talked to Angela and I'm not going to any crime scenes. I'll stay here and do interrogations and all the grunt work in station."

He smiled "Thank you. I know it's hard but this pregnancy I'm just more worried because"

She cut her off "I know. It was hard but remember baby these girls are okay. Our little one came back to us"

He nodded and put his hand on her belly "How are they by the way?"

She smiled "They're doing great."

He smiled and kissed her standing up "Good. I will be home late tonight we have an opp later and there's no telling how long it'll take"

She sighed "okay. I love you"

"I love you too"

"be safe"

He smiled walking away "Always am"

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