Chapter 3. I still love you

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*okay so stick with me as I'm trying a new writing style*
*2 months later*

Lucy was now 30 weeks and her OB had told them both that there was no guarantee that they would be able to make it past 36 weeks which with twins is fine but it still drove Tim crazy not knowing when they would come. So he spent just about everyday off building their nursery and making sure the guest room was set up for Lucy.

Tim was building a bassinet as he heard a knock on the door. He looked at the security camera on his phone 'oh it's Lucy' he said to himself and texted her "Its unlocked come in"

She didn't reply but he heard the front door open. "Tim?" She said looking around for him "In the back room" he realized she hadn't seen it yet after he said that "wait!" He said standing up but it was too late. She opened the door "Tim what is this?" She said looking at the bed with a double bassinet next to it.

"Well-" she cut him off "I thought the nursery was in the room next to yours" He sighed "It is Lucy. There's two cribs in there for when you're comfortable with me having them overnight. I figured this room could be yours." Lucy sat down and looked at him "Tim I'm not moving in" He stood up "I'm not saying that. I just thought maybe you'd want to stay here after you have them it would be easier to have me help you until you feel confident on your own" She looked at the bassinet then him "How is me staying here gonna do that and why have the rooms across the hall"

He could tell she was worried about it all "Well I have the same bassinet in my room. We can take turns having one of them or having both. The rooms on opposite sides are so if you need to sleep you won't hear them much when they're with me." She sighed standing up "Tim I-" he groaned "Lucy let me be involved. Please. I know I messed up with you but I don't want to mess up with them. I want to do everything and be there for everything." He said resting his hand on her stomach.

He knew she didn't care when he did that so he tended to do it a lot. "Okay but how long do you plan on having us stay here." He shrugged "I don't care until you want to leave." She started thinking for a second about how he hasn't built the furniture at her place yet causing her to chuckle "Is this why you told me to not to worry about doing stuff at my house and you'd do them this weekend" he smirked standing up "Maybe" she rolled her eyes "I can't stay here forever" he sighed "I know. I ordered 4 cribs in total so I'll build two of them at your place and you can take that bassinet with you and all the furniture in this room can go to your apartment. I'll build a rocking chair at your place too but if you want the fancy changing table that's built into the wall you're gonna have to talk to Nolan"

She laughed "you really had him do that?" "Yeah I did in their room. He offered so I accepted" he replied as they both walked into the living room. "I'll stay here then. I'll accept your help" he smiled turning to face her "good" he said softly. "Ouch!" She said putting a hand on her belly. "Which ones beating you up" Tim said putting his hand on her belly trying to find it. "Deacon" he chuckled because it was always Deacon.

Lucy looked up at him as he was smiling staring at her belly feeling the kicks. "Tim." She said softly while moving closer into him. "Mhm" he said moving his gaze to her eyes. Lucy gulped deciding to say how she really felt in that moment. "Tim. I still love you."

He smiled and leaned in kissing her softly moving his hands to her face. He pulled back "And I still love you" she looked at him with soft eyes "Kiss me again" Tim's heart fluttered.
He's been waiting for this moment for months.

He nodded and their lips connected. Lucy moved her hands to his hair pulling it softly while her other hand slid down her pants "Lucy..." he moaned out. She broke off the kiss and looked at him keeping her hands in his pants. "I've been horny for months. If we do this it doesn't change anything" he nodded. He wanted it to man something but he was equally as horny.

He hadn't been with anyone since her and neither had she.

They walked into his bedroom and he laid her down softly crawling on top of her kissing her neck. His hands roamed around her body as he shuffled around getting their clothes off.

"Tim-" "mhm" he said looking up at her. God he missed her and he knew this would probably be the last time so he was soaking it all in. "Just fuck me already" she said causing him to chuckle "yes ma'am" Tim didn't want to rush it as he was nervous he'd never get to experience this again. He lined himself up and slid in slowly causing her to moan.

He loved hearing her fold under his touch. He loved everything about her. "Let me hear you" he whispered in her hear thrusting in and out.

After almost an hour Lucy threw her head back "oh my god" she screamed as she came clenching on his dick causing him to finish. "Shit" he said filling her up and laying to the side of her.

*sorry this is so short*

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