Chapter 22: Ashley?

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September 18th
7 days before the wedding

The wedding was approaching quickly and Tim was on the beach with the boys spending time with them while Lucy kicked them out of the house to prepare things for the wedding.

Tim didn't mind the beach anymore since the boys loved it because of Lucy he just had to suck it up and go with them.

They were kicking around a soccer ball when a familiar figure appeared next to Tim. He turned and saw her "Ashley?"

She smiled "Hi Tim! It's been a long time since I've seen you"

He nods "Yeah it's been 4 years how are you?"

"I'm good. Who are these little ones. Did Genny have more kids?" She asked as she

He chuckled "No well yes she did but these boys are mine. Deacon and Griffin."

The two boys waved as he said their name. "Here go play over there but stay close" he said kicking the ball further so he could talk to Ashley.

She looked at him "oh so you didn't waste any time what are they almost 4?"

He rolled his eyes "No they're 2 and a half and they weren't planned"

"Oh so then you're single and free to go get dinner sometime" she said quickly and confidently

Tim was baffled that she assumed that he just knocked up someone random after her.

"No I'm still with their mom. We're actually getting married next week and we've got little girls on the way." He said waving the boys back over.

"Who is she?" She said snobby

"It's Lucy. We got together a little after you broke up with me." He said walking towards the boys a little trying to get away from the convo

"Well if you ever find yourself doubting her call me"

He laughed "No. You could've had this but you didn't want kids or marriage and Lucy did. You left me and I've made a happy family with her and I'm not gonna ruin it for you. I'm sorry now would you let me get back to my boys."

She sighed "So they really are yours huh"

He nodded "They look just like me you can't really think I'm lying"

She nodded "A girl can hope huh" she said walking away from him but before she did she kissed his cheek.

He stood there stunned and very confused. She didn't talk to him for years then tried to get him back a week before his wedding to Lucy. It's so random.

*later at home*

Tim walked in "Hey Luce we're home" he said as he set his stuff on the counter and let the boys run wild.

She smiled and walked over to him "Hey, how was the beach?"

He chuckled "they loved it and well I'm just tryna get used to but I have a question?" She nodded and he continued "Did you invite Jerry Mcgrady to the wedding?"

Lucy nodded "Yes and I'm pretty sure he's coming. Why did he call? You both said it wouldn't be weird and Ashley's not coming"

He sighed "It's so weird. I saw her today and she acted like she didn't know about the twins or that we were getting married she-"

She cut him off "Kissed you" she said pointing to his cheek that had a smear of lipstick that he didn't see

"You cut me off before I could say that but yes. She came up demanding I take her back and then kissed my cheek walking away" He said confused

She stood up and rolled her eyes "Unbelievable"

He looked at her confused "How are you mad at me?"

She walked away and he followed her "Lucy I told you the truth. It just happened and I told you exactly what happened. How are you-"


The sound of the bedroom door slamming in his face is all he heard. He sighed walking away. He wasn't sure if he shouldn't argue this or shake it off and mark it up as her hormones

Lucy laid in bed and started to cry. She didn't know why. She didn't see Ashley as a threat and he's right he told me right away but something about it all just made her cry.

It was probably her hormones but still she was upset. She picked up her phone and texted him "Dinners on the stove. You can handle boys"

He sighed as he read the text "You're not going to come out and eat with us?"


He sighed and responded "Does this mean I can't sleep with you tonight either."

She replied quickly "Let me get back to you on that"

He knew this was just her being hormonal but it was still very annoying. He got the boys food and then after dinner got them ready for bed.

He walked over to the bedroom door and it was locked. He sighed "I assume that means the couch" he said against the door.

Lucy swiftly opened the door "here" she said setting her engagement ring in his hand.

He looked up at her quickly "Lucy.No put this back on" he felt a lump in his throat and a tear in his eye.

Why did she do this? I didn't do anything with Ashley. I told her the truth. Why is she blowing this out of proportion.

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