Bonus 22

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I walk through the front door, the weight of the day still clinging to my shoulders. All I want is a quiet evening with my family, but the second I step inside, I know that's not happening tonight.

The sound of Evelina's frustrated sigh reaches me first, followed by the unmistakable high-pitched squeals of the twins. I round the corner into the living room, and there it is—chaos. Theo is running in circles around the couch, his little feet pounding against the floor, a whirlwind of energy. Beckett is lying on the play mat, kicking his legs, his tiny hands waving excitedly at the toys dangling above him. His coos fill the room, the soft gurgling sound somewhere between a laugh and a contented sigh. It's the kind of sound that makes my chest swell, a reminder of how precious this all is.

But the scene in front of me tells me it's been a long day for Evelina. She's sitting cross-legged on the floor, Bennett in her arms, trying—and failing—to get him to settle. His little face is red, his cries sharp and persistent, the kind that I know instantly means he's overtired. Evelina looks exhausted, her hair falling out of the messy bun she's thrown it into, and her eyes flick to Theo, who's now leaping over a cushion he's thrown on the floor, as if it's part of some obstacle course.

"Theo," she says, her voice strained, "I told you to stop jumping around. You're going to knock something over."

"But I'm being a monster, Mummy!" Theo replies, completely oblivious to how much he's testing her patience, his arms stretched out like he's about to swoop down and attack Beckett, who's still gurgling happily on the mat.

I can see Evelina's trying to keep it together, but the deep exhale she lets out tells me it's not going well.

I step fully into the room and set my bag down, walking toward her. "What's going on?" I ask, my voice calm, though I already have a pretty good idea.

She looks up at me, her eyes tired, and gestures toward the twins. "The babies won't nap. Bennett's been like this all day, and Beckett... well, he's the only one in a decent mood. And Theo"—she glances at our son, who's now jumping off the couch with a loud crash, barely missing Beckett's mat—"has decided today's the day to act up for some reason."

I nod, walking over to her and crouching down. I can see how tense she is, the strain in her shoulders, the exhaustion in her eyes. I reach out, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear, and give her a reassuring smile.

"Go take five, love. I'll take over from here."

She lets out another sigh, but it's softer this time, like she's holding on to the last bit of energy she has left. "I'd love to, but Bennett won't settle. He's been like this for hours."

I reach for Bennett, gently lifting him out of her arms. "I've got him," I say, rocking him against my chest. He lets out another high-pitched cry, squirming in my arms, but I keep bouncing him gently. "You've been handling it all day. Go get a break. I'll deal with Theo."

Evelina hesitates for a second, her eyes scanning the room as if she's not quite ready to hand over the chaos to me. But after a moment, she nods, slowly standing up. "Fine. But if Theo starts using his 'monster' voice at you, don't say I didn't warn you."

I chuckle softly, watching as she disappears toward the kitchen, her shoulders relaxing just a bit now that she's no longer in the center of the madness.

Bennett squirms in my arms, his face still red with frustration. I bounce him a little more firmly, rocking him back and forth while keeping an eye on Theo, who's now spinning around Beckett on the mat, making growling noises that only a three-year-old could find convincing.

"Hey, buddy," I call out to Theo, who stops mid-spin to look at me, his eyes wide with excitement.

"Daddy! You're home!" He rushes over to me, nearly tripping over a stray toy on the floor. "I'm a monster! Raaawr!"

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