Poem 48: Troubles of the Mind

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Matthew 6:34 NIV
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

The troubles you experience are often the ones you create yourself. This burden leads to stress, which then leads to restlessness, and restlessness results in mental disturbances.

The mind is constantly stimulated by daily activities such as thinking, moving, and breathing. Every day, we expand our mental capacity through learning, problem-solving, and creativity.

For me, art is my therapy, my life, and my sanctuary. I cannot live without it, as it brings me peace when I am alone.

~ KdPoetry

Do not confuse peace with ignorance
Do not confuse mindfulness with isolation
Do not confuse sympathy for weakness
Do not confuse family for competition

There are many outside influences designed to disturb your mind, The trick is to remain in control and focus on reaching your goals.


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