Poem 56: Angels from the Sky

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I plead you heal every soul
As sins begin to toll,
Words of hatred in exchange
An innocent soul never the same.

Oh angels, hear our plea,
Bring forth your grace, set captives free,
In hearts where darkness makes its nest,
Restore with light, grant peace and rest.

With wings of mercy, hover near,
Wipe away each bitter tear,
Where pain and sorrow take their hold,
Let healing touch and love unfold.

Guide us through the shadows deep,
In waking hours and in sleep,
Teach us kindness, show us grace,
In every heart, a sacred place.

Whisper truths to those in doubt,
Help the lost find their way out,
In every struggle and every pain,
Let your presence still remain.

For in this world of hurt and strife,
We seek the angels' touch in life,
To mend the broken, soothe the sore,
Till hearts are whole and peace restores.

Oh angels, faithful, ever true,
Our weary souls look up to you,
In your embrace, let healing flow,
And love's pure light within us grow.

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