Skylar's POV

It has been two weeks.

To fucking weeks

Kai has been missing for two weeks and to say it has been the hardest weeks of my life is an understatement.

I still have nightmares of Kai being here than she's gone, I haven't told Zion because there is nothing that he do for me than hug and comfort me.

I have went out at night as Black Shadow looking for her and still haven't found her, I have no idea where she can be.

"Baby, please eat" Zion said as he pushed the plate to me "I can't" I said pushing it back to him "please" he said but I still refused.

Zion has been looking after me like a 1 month baby a d I am greatful that he is doing that but sometimes I just get annoyed of him always around me.

"Ben just mind linked me that he found something" Zion said and I stood up so quickly I fall down on the bed again but stood up again.

We walked downstairs than out the door and into the woods.

We walked for about 20 minutes and it was the most stressful 20 not ever but Ben was soon in my view and I knew we were close.

Ben was looking at something on the ground,Zion was walking infront of me so he saw what ever was there first before I could get there Zion stopped me.

"You don't want to see this Sky" he said his voice breaking as if he wanted to cry "what" I said pushing him but he still didn't move "Zion move" I said pushing him again when he didn't I pushed him harder and he moved.

I walked forward and when I saw what they were looking at my heart broke.

Kai was on the ground not breathing her dress was gone and she was only in her tights,her stomach had a name on it "Black Shadow" someone wrote that on my baby's stomach with a knife her stomach had cuts on it because of that.

I felt tears roll down my checks Zion tried to hold me but I pushed him away the tears just came on after other and I didn't wipe them away.

I didn't scream, I didn't run, I didn't fall to my knees, I just stood there emotionless with tears running down my face.

I turned around and walked away Zion didn't say anything when he saw me walk away.

I started to fell the burning inside me and knew that it's starting again the burn in me just became stronger and stronger as I got close to the house.

I walked up the stairs and when I got to the room the first thing I did is walk into the shower with my clothes still on.

I opened the cold water only and got in I stood there trying to calm the burning down before something happens.

Than it finally hit me my baby was gone forever, I fell to my knees crying and screamed.

When I screamed the burning in me finally got out and my body shot flames out.

As the fire around my body turned into smoke because of the water I realised something.

This means war.

There are many things people don't know about me not even Chloe but of course lucky does.

Everything I went through made me find out things I didn't know about myself.

Like how I control fire.

I have fire powers and I have no idea how I got them so far that's all I know I have.

I never use my powers because I have no idea how to use them and I don't want to hurt anyone more than I want/have to.

Zion walked in when all the smoke was gone and just found me on the floor in the shower still in my clothes crying.

He came into the shower and closed the water he kneeled down and hugged me "I'm so sorry" he said and I heard his voice break.

I just pushed myself into his body and cried harder "I'm sorry.....if I found he early......." He said and when it looked up tears where falling from his face.

"It's not your fault" I said as I hugged him back "she was my daughter too" he said and I finally understand why he was so hurt we both lost out daughter.

We hugged each other while I cried since he stopped he than carried me out of the shower and put me in bed.

I didn't have the energy to take off my wet clothes so I just got in the blankets Zion got in next to me and we cuddled each other.

I can still hear Kai giggle in my ear and everytime I close my eyes I see her laughing happily in my arms.

Somehow it found sleep but all I had were dreams about my sweet beautiful baby.

Mommy will kill every single person who had a hand in this my baby and that's a promise.



I'm sorry to take Kai out of the story but it was her time, I know we all loved Kai but the whole reason for this book is for plot twist, crying, laughing and hating me for what I made the characters do but I promise the book just got better.

Anyway even if you hate me at the moment I still love you all🤍

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