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L- oh hi, what are you doing here?
A- wait Blake?
B- Lucy could we just talk for a minute?
L- about what?
B- about us.
L- what about it? There isn't a us anymore.
A- are you okay Luce? Should I stay or should I go?
B- could you please go, I have to talk to Lucy alone.
L- no Angela can stay.
B- okay, Lucy I realized I can't live without you. And I tried my best to cope with it. Because it was also hard for me to move from the only place I could call home. But now I'm ready to take that step. And I know it took me some time to come this far. But could you please give me another chance?
L- I'm sorry Blake. But you are to late. Jace and Maya have their dad back in their lives again. And I'm just simply not in love with you anymore. And if it took you almost 8 months to come this far. I don't know if it is the right thing to do.

Blake was quiet for awhile, he was trying to let it all settle.

A- uhm I'm sorry to butt in again, but Lucy we have to get back to work.
L- yes uhm, bye Blake.
B- could I please talk with you after your shift? There are still things I want closure on.
L- sure uhm you know my address.

Lucy got back to work with Angela. And in between cases she quickly ran a errand. After shift she met up with Tim picked up the kids and went home. They had dinner and they but Jace and Maya to bed.

Lucy was doing the dishes, when Tim snapped her out of her mind.

T- baby what's on your mind? You have been washing that plate for five minutes now.
L- okay first I want to say, Blake is here in LA. He wants me back, and he is ready to move to LA.
T- okay and you want him back as well?
L- no absolutely not. I'm so happy with you and us being a family. And I wouldn't want to exchange it for the world. And I love you, I really really do-
T- okay baby I get it, I love you too. But what is it then that got you so upset?
L- he can knock on the door any time now. He wants to talk and get more closure. And I told him that the father of Jace and Maya is back in their lives. And he doesn't know it is you. And I just don't know how to tell him. And if I even should tell him.

T- I get it baby, it is difficult. Let's just see what he wants to know, and move on from there. I will stay in our bedroom while you two talk. If you need me I'm there and if you don't I'm still there. You can decide if you'll tell him judging how he takes the other information your giving him.
L- thank you so much Tim. I couldn't have wished for a better boyfriend.
T- hey, you could also wish for a husband. Maybe your wish will come true soon.
L- yea uhm about that, after Blake leaves we should talk. Like have the talk.
T- uhm okay su-

Tim was being interrupted by a knock on the door. That was his sign to go to their bedroom. When Lucy collected all her courage she opened the door.

B- hey
L- hey uhm uh come in.
B- yea thank you. So what can I do to win you back?
L- Blake I already told you it won't happen. I'm not in love with you anymore. And the father-
B- yea yea the father of Jace and Maya is back in their lives. But that doesn't have to mean that he is also back in yours. And who even is this guy? After 5 years he is back in your life again and you say nothing about him being gone for so long.

L- you don't get it Blake. You don't facking get it.
B- what is it I don't get Lucy. I have been there for you all through those five years. And I have to really think about moving from the only place I know as my home. And I can be just thrown to the side like trash?
L- Blake, I was scared. The way it ended with their father wasn't for the best. We had a fight, it was all so sudden. We couldn't even start a relationship before I joined the program. He didn't even know until a few months ago. And I didn't throw you to the side like trash. You chose to be the trash, and left. We've been together for 4 years. I know it was all so sudden that I moved back to LA. But you just aren't right for me, if you can't change because my kids need me to.

B- okay I get that. But just know that it all went so fast. And I didn't even had time to process the moving. And I have now and I'm ready.
L- Blake, I don't want you here anymore. I have all the family I need!
B- so he is now part of your family, after not even once reaching out in those 5 years. What does that dick have that I don't.
L- well at first, he knows when to step up, he is the real father of my kids, he is my best friend and best partner I could ever wish for. And lastly he can make me scream his name out better than anyone.
B- buh uh what-
L- okay maybe that last part was uncalled for but it's true.
B- okay if you are so happy, I can't do anything about it then just leave I guess.

Lucy walked Blake to the door. He opened the door and wanted to say goodbye but was interrupted by Tim storming down the stairs with a stick in his hand.
T- uhm Luce, what is this?!

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