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Lucy went back to work just like normal. Tim got everything sorted and got most of his belongings moved in with Lucy. He kept his house and decided to rent it out.

Tim dropped himself on the couch.

T- I think that was the last box with my stuff.
L- great, I've just put Maya and Jace to bed. So we can finally relax, we have the night to ourselves.
T- *sighs* let's get to bed. I'm tired.
L- let's go upstairs.

They went upstairs and got ready for bed. When they laid cuddled up in bed, Lucy started talking.

L- you know this is the first night we aren't ripping each others clothes of each other, since I've been cleared. And that was almost two weeks ago.
T- well I can change that.
L- as much I would love that but I think it's a good time to start a challenge.
T- oh do tell, you know I love a good competition with you.
L- I read somewhere that a lot of couples only make out when it's leads to sex. But it is beneficial to just have a make out session without the whole sex part.
T- but that is my favorite part. That's when I can please you, and you scream out my name.
L- Timothy! But what I wanted to say is, let's try it. Let's just make out without it turning in to sex. So what do you say?
T- okay let's give it a try.

Tim said meanwhile grabbing Lucy by the waist and positioning her on top of him.
L- right now? You said you were tired.
T- oh I'm tired, but never for you baby. (He smirked)

Lucy leaned down and captured Tim's lips. Tim left his hands on Lucy's waist while deepening the kiss. Tim pulled Lucy even closer to him, if they weren't already close enough.

After making out for a few minutes Lucy pulled away chuckling.
L- I already know how this is going, so I will stop it before it gets too far.
T- but baby. (He pouted)
L- I know Tim, you are already very excited but just think about the challenges.
T- yea but can we just start the challenge tomorrow. I need you right now.
L- but we just said we'd start right now.
T- pretty please Luce?
L- alright alright, only because you are this cute.
T- I am not cute.
L- you so are! You really are just a big softie.
T- okay only for you and the kids. Now get back here.

A- hey Luce where is Tim?
L- oh hi Ange, Tim is at home with the kids. Maya and Jace had the day off and he wanted to spend time with them.
A- ahh some quality time with his kiddos.
L- yea, I really regret keeping Tim away from the twins. And I'm happy they are making up for their lost time.
A- so about give Tim more quality time with the twins how about a mom night out, just the two of us. Maybe grab an hotel while we are at it. My treat or should I say Wesley's treat.
L- oh I love that idea. Sure let's do it.

After work Lucy went home. They cooked together and enjoyed a lovely family dinner. She really loved the family they fixed. If you would ask Lucy two years ago that she would live and be together with Tim. She would laugh you in the face. There was no way she would dump her fiancé Blake move back to LA and live with Tim.

While Maya and Jace were playing in bath and both Lucy and Tim were grabbing the pyjama's for the twins. Tim grabbed Lucy by her waist from behind. Lucy turned her head to look at him. Right when they locked their eyes on each other. Tim leaned in and kissed her. Lucy immediately kissed him back and they started making out again. After a few minutes they were disturbed.

J- mommy it is getting cold.
M- and daddy promised me he would read me a bed time story.

That was their sign to quit making out and get back to the twins.

Several weeks went by and it didn't really take them long to settle in their new lives, Living together. They were still doing the challenge. Tim was the weakest from them two. Only a few times the making out turned out into some more than that. All the times Tim initiated it. You could say Lucy won this challenge.

A- Lucy, did you discuss it with Tim?
L- huh, discuss what?
A- did you already forgot, the mom night out. Us two going out and maybe grabbing a hotel.
L- oh yea right. Uhm I did discuss that with Tim. And he is okay with it.
A- great so we can plan it. Should we go out on Friday next week?
L- let me take a look in my calendar.

Lucy took a look and said it was okay. She marked it in her calendar and they got back to work.

Lucy and Angela got back from a case and were on their way to the food trucks.
A- so are we going to the club or just hangout in a bar, have a few drinks maybe some karaoke?
L- let's go to a bar.
A- great that was mine choice too. Don't get me wrong, I love going to a club. But since that I'm a mom it tires me out real quick. And in a bar it's just different.
L- oh I understand.
A- I'm surprised that we are still doing this. I thought after almost three months went by. That it would not happen anymore.
L- wait uhm did it really take us almost three months.
A- yea crazy right. I knew we were busy but not that busy.
L- shit!
A- what? What's wrong Luce?
L- oh uhm nothing. Just remembered that Genny is visiting us soon.
A- oh okay.

They had ordered their food and took a seat. While eating their lunch they were talking about everything and anything.

B- hey lucy, can we talk?

A/N: oh what is happening? And who wants to talk with Lucy? Let me know in comments what you are thinking is happening in the next chapter. ❤️

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