Hungry eyes

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T- did you enjoy your pancakes? Did you have enough or are you still hungry?
L- the pancakes were delicious but I'm still hungry. Just not for pancakes.
T- is it something I can help with?
L- I mean you are it. So let's move to the bedroom before we need to pick the kids up.
T- what did I tell you.
L- ughh no sex for the whole week. But I-I really need you. Can we at least have a long make out sesh? (She pouted)
T- that I can give you. But after that I'm going straight to the shower, preferably a cold one.

Tim closed the distance. Their lips met each other half way. Tim started kissing Lucy very sweetly. But Lucy turned the kiss in something hungry. She was really longing for his touch. They had 20 minutes left to get ready and pick up the twins. So Tim pulled away from Lucy. And like he thought he needed a cold shower. Because even though Lucy needs to rest.Like Lucy, he can't really help the temptation.

After they got ready they went to pick up the kids at Angela's. They only had to walk down the street because Lucy and Angela lived on the same street. But while they were walking down the street they bumped into Angela, Wesley and the kids.
L- hey, I thought we would pick them up.
A- yea that was right, but I also told Tim to be at my house at that exact time. And if not I would drop them off myself.
T- but we are only 3 minutes late.
W- yea, I know. We kinda have a date night. So Jack is at Angela's mom.
L- oh I see, someone is also a bit hungry for something.
A- can you blame me? Atleast you got some just then.
L- I wish, Tim has me on no S E X for a whole weak. Because I need to rest and heal.

Lucy spelled the word so the kids wouldn't hear it. But what they definitely heard was the frustration Lucy had.

A- what, seriously!
W- man, how can you do that?
T- I still ask myself that. But it is what's best for Lucy. I find it hard myself.
L- so don't look at us strange when we are not at work next week. But anyways enjoy your date night.
T- uhm no Lucy that is not going to happen. Thanks btw for looking after the kids.
A- yea no problem. And enjoy your sexless week!
Jace- what is that? And why can't you have it?
L- ughhh thanks Ange! Jace it isn't really a word. So you don't have to worry about it. Let's get you inside. And maybe we can go to the movies tonight?
Maya&Jace: yayyy!!! The movies!
T- nice save Luce.

The week went by and Tim did as he said, he stayed with Lucy and the kids. He also kept his promise of not having sex with Lucy even when the temptation was very high. But he still has to keep his promise for another day. The day after tomorrow Lucy has a appointment with her doctor to see if she is cleared for work.

It was Sunday night and like every night this week they cooked together and after dinner they did something as a family. Lucy brought the twins to bed when it was their bedtime. She was reading a bedtime story. After the story they asked Lucy if she could sing a lullaby.

Tim heard Lucy singing from one of the twins' room. He walked towards the sound, and was watching his beautiful girlfriend sing for their kids.

L- goodnight Maya.
Maya- goodnight mommy.
L- goodnight Jace.
Jace- goodnight mom.

Lucy gave them a kiss goodnight, Tim also gave them a kiss. And they left the rooms, they went back to the living room.

T- I'm onto you, I know your little plan.
L- what plan?
T- know I have a weak spot for you singing.
L- what, the kids asked me to do it.
T- yea, but it doesn't mean I won't find it sexy. And it's just one day without sex. Or just till you are cleared.
L- hey it was your little rule. If it were me we would do it all night every night.
T- but we just need to complete that one day. I can't throw away what we accomplished. It just one day.
L- I don't need the convincing anymore. So say it as many times for yourself. I heard it all week.
T- just one more day of no sex, we can do that.

Tim walked closer to Lucy. Putting his hand on Lucy's waist. He repeated his sentence one more time before he pulled Lucy in for a kiss. Lucy didn't give in that easily. Tim gave Lucy's lower lip a little bite. She gasped and that way Tim could enter his tongue in her mouth. He pushed Lucy a little so she could lay down on the couch.

They made out for some time, while Tim was holding Lucy's breast and pinching her nipples. Tim eventually broke the kiss and removed her pants and the lace panties she had on.

L- uhm as much I like this. I thought you said no sex for just one other day, sergeant Bradford.
T- mmhhh, we will not be having sex. I'm just going to eat you out, detective Chen.

He gave her a quick peck on Lucy's lips before moving to her other lips. Just at the touch of his mouth and Lucy began moaning. He started very slow, but soon increased his pace. It didn't take Lucy long to come. Tim knew how to work his tongue on Lucy. After he pleasured Lucy, he came back up. And gave her an passionate kiss.

T- I love how you taste.
L- I love that I can taste me on you. Now it is mine turn to-
T- nope, I'm going to take a cold shower and go straight to bed. We have an appointment tomorrow.
L- but I want to give the same pleasure you, like you gave me.
T- I know baby, but then I can't resist it to cum inside of you. And we want to keep us to the rule on the last day.

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