The opportunity

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Lucy and Tim got back from Vegas. They got Madris and hajek his crew arrested. This undercover job was successful. Tim was dropping of Lucy at her place. They were standing in front of her door.
L- do you wanna come in for a drink?
T- I shouldn't.

Lucy opened the door and stood there looking at Tim. That look convinced Tim to come in. Lucy grabbed two beers from the fridge. And she sat down close to Tim on the couch. She was sitting with her back against Tim's chest. They were enjoying their beer. As Lucy turned around to kiss Tim, she got a call. She ignored it and continued to give Tim a kiss.
T- don't you have to get that?
L- no I'm busy now.
They continued kissing until her phone went off again. Tim stopped the kiss.
T- I think you should really get this now.
L- ughh okay. But you stay here.

Lucy stood up and walked to her room.
L- uhm this is Lucy.
G- yes Lucy, sorry to call you this late.
L- oh sergeant Grey.
G- I'm calling because I got a great opportunity for you.
L- please tell me more.
G- so I was approached by the "Undercover school" and they want you to enroll for next semester. They heard what you did with the hajek case. And wanted to ask you to join them in San Diego.
L- omg really, this is so exciting. When do I need to enroll?
G- yes about that. It is really last minute. But they would like your answer by tomorrow. And if you are saying yes you need to leave at the end of the week.
L- oh okay, but the end of the week is in 3 days.
G- yes, I know how fast you need to decide. But this is a opportunity you don't get everyday. You will get to learn more about being a UC and the living situation would be provided. And when you are an official UC you can do more undercover cases.
L- okay I will give you my answer by tomorrow end of shift, is that okay?
G- yes that is okay. I will see you tomorrow.
L- okay thank you, see you tomorrow.

Lucy needed a minute to take a breath before going back to the living room. When she walked back into the living room, she immediately grabbed Tim and kissed him passionately.

T- woah, what did I do to deserve this?

She need a distraction. So she dragged him to her bedroom.

T- really Lucy...what was that call even about?

Lucy didn't answer. She wanted to jump his bones and she did as she wanted. After a long exercise ;) they fell asleep. Lucy was still wrapped up about what grey had said. That was also the reason she woke up super early. She decide to go for a run. Tim woke up with an empty bed. He looked in the bathroom, kitchen and living room. Lucy was nowhere to be seen. He was a bit disappointed but didn't think much of it. She probably had to run some errands before shift he thought. He went home and got ready before going to the station.

Lucy quickly got home took a shower, changed her clothes and went to the station. She changed into her uniform and went to roll call. Tim saw Lucy walk into roll call.

G- okay everyone, Bradford you are riding with officer Thorsen, Nolan with Juarez and lastly Chen you will be assisting Harper on a case. Okay everyone stay safe.

Tim and Lucy hadn't had a chance to talk about everything that happened between them. Tim went on patrol and Lucy went to Nyla's desk.
L- so what is this case about?
N- it's about some drugsdealers. We may need to go undercover but it would be a short gig, we can use nova.
L- okay, I could go undercover. No problem.
N- yea I heard from grey that you are tapped for the "Undercover school". Are you going to do it?
L- I mean it is a lot in such a short period of time. But I really want to. But it is also in San Diego.
N- oh screw that. If you really want to, than go. You don't have this opportunity every day.
L- so I have been told.

Angela joined the lady's.

A- I also heard it from grey. It is really exciting. Did you already tell Tim about it?
L- no, not yet.
N- why would she need to tell Tim?
L- yea why do I need to?
A- oh don't play dumb. You really think I didn't hear it? I'm glad Thorsen hadn't heard it because he would tell everyone.
N- omg what happened?
L- nooo shit. How much did you hear?
A- enough to know it wasn't just for the case.
N- what did you hear?
L- nope, I'm not doing this.
N- seriously, is anyone going to tell me?
A- they fucked.
N- wait Tim and Lucy?
L- ughhhh
A- yesss you dummy.
N- omg how did that happen?
A- I still don't know the whole story. I only heard them moan trough those thin walls.
L- okay you two, no word about any of this to anyone. Okay.
A- okay only if you tell us how it was.
N- omg yes do tell.
L- it was great okay. He really knows his way.
A- I knew it.
N- okay but now back to the UC school. What are you going to do?
L- I think I'm going to do it.
A- I'm so proud of you. I am totally missing you.
L- awh I will also miss you girls.

The three women hugged. And than they went back to their case and solved it. It was now end of shift. Lucy went into greys office and told him she was going to do it.
G- great, I'm proud of you Chen. I knew on your first day, that you would be an amazing cop. I will make sure that everything is settled. So that you can leave Saturday.
L- thank you sir.
G- oh and you get tomorrow off, because you have a lot on your mind with moving to San Diego. So this will be your last day on the station. It is a order. So pack all the stuff you need.
L- okay sir. if it is my last time here, for now. I want to thank you for everything, for believing in me and also for being a great watch commander. And hopefully I will see you again soon.

Lucy went home and went straight to packing. She would still have her place in LA. Because it is also the apartment of Tamara. But still she had to pack a lot. Lucy took a break from packing and laid down on her bed for a minute. She was so tired of her shift and all that packing that she fell asleep.

The next day with Bradford on the station:
T- morning ange.
A- hey how are you?
T- I'm fine. How about you?
A- I'm great, I'm actually so proud of Lucy. But I'm also very sad, I'm going to miss her.
T- wait. What are you talking about?
A- oh shit she hasn't talked to you. Uhm I think she is just so busy with everything.
T- with what?
A- you really didn't hear? She is moving to San Diego to enroll in the UC school.
T- what, why didn't I knew about that?
A- I know it was very last minute. She only confirmed yesterday.
T- when is she leaving?
A- I think Saturday.
T- wait you mean tomorrow?
A- uh yea I already said it was very last minute.

Tim was in shock but also scared of Lucy becoming a UC. But Tim's day went on. He couldn't let a personal matter interfere in his work.

Lucy got a call from Angela. They wanted to go out tonight to say goodbye. It wouldn't have to be very late but still have some drinks. So Lucy agreed to it she had an very early flight the next day, but she couldn't leave her friends without a goodbye.

She was now all done with packing. She got ready to have some drinks with her friends. Lucy arrived at the bar in a beautiful little black dress.
A- Heyy girl. You totally look hot.
N- ohh yesss
L- thank you girls. What would I do without you guys hyping me up.
A- ohh you don't have to be without us. We would still FaceTime you almost everyday.
L- that would be amazing, than I wouldn't have to miss you girls that much.

They had a few drinks. Lucy was kind of disappointed that Tim wasn't there. But right before she wanted to leave, Tim came inside.
T- hey Luce. Do you really have to go? You don't need to go undercover. You can just stay on patrol.
L- Tim? I wanna be an UC. I told you that a long time ago.
T- but why now. It was just so good between us.
L- I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to go so fast. But don't you think I deserve this?
T- yea but I don't want you to go undercover.
A- Tim are you drunk?
T- what noo I would never. But Lucy you are better here on patrol.
L- I'm sorry Tim, I'm done. You are saying I can't go undercover and that I don't deserve this opportunity. So if that is how you see it. Than I don't want to see you. Goodbye Tim. Girls I had a lot of fun. We'll keep contact okay girls.

And just like that Lucy left to go home. Her last evening in LA was ruined because of him. She now realized she made the good decision.

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