These feelings

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Lucy got drinks for her and Tim. She walked up to him. And walked by the other members of the crew who had a lot of guns.
L- nice guns. Your friends are so grumpy.
T- ain't no one here know how to have fun? It's a job.
Lucy was now sitting on the armrest from Tim's chair. She had given Tim his drink. And she had her arm over his shoulder. Tim had his arm around her waist.
L- that's what everyone keeps saying. Except so far, it's just been the worlds lamest bachelor party.
T- yo, y'all gonna tell us what this gig is or what?
Lucy laid her hand on top of Tim's hand. And they started to play a little with each others hand. Hajek started to look at another member and than proceeded to talk.
H- you know who Roman krupka is?
T- nope
H- he imports H for the monarch cartel.
L- so, the competition.
H- something like that. Krupka is paranoid, doesn't trust computers. Never keeps a written record. The details of his operation exist in one place: "the brain" a man named Leonard Madris.
T- (scoffs) ain't that a little dangerous, making one man the center of your whole operation.
H- (chuckles) yeah it is. That's why Madris is kept under Heavy guard. Barely leaves kurpka's compound. But we received a solid tip. That he's headed to Vegas this weekend.
T- with his bodyguards.
H- never goes anywhere without them. That's where you come in. You guys take out the guards while I grab Madris. And then we torture the brain for every detail.
L- (scoffs)
H- and take over the business.
L- oh. It sounds like we should be getting paid more.
H- tough. Like my mom usted to say, "you get what you get, and you don't get upset".
L- well, this seems a lot bigger than we thought.
T- yep.

H- look at this.
W- (Wisco crewmember) no way.
T- what?
H- Rosalind dyer just escaped.
W- I'm glad we're not in L.A. tonight.
Tim looked up at Lucy to check if she is okay. He saw that she was panicking a bit. So he grabbed her hand that she had resting on his shoulder.
W- that chick gives me nightmares.
H- yeah, but it'd be the perfect night to run wild. Cause the cops will totally be distracted looking for her.
T- how long till we land?
H- 15 minutes.
T- plenty of time.
W- for what?
T- mile high club baby.
L- I never thought you'd ask.
They walked in to the bathroom on the plane. Lucy immediately broke her character.
L- how could this happen?
T- I don't know. But every law enforcement agent in Southern California is on it, okay? She won't be out long.
L- uh, did she have help? Another apprentice. Like Caleb? I mean-
T- stop, okay? Stop. We can't worry about that right now. If your head is not a 100% in the game, it'll get you killed.
L- you're right. I-I know. I just.... It's..... I'm fine. I-I can do this.
T- No. no you're not. I'm pulling the plug as soon as we land.
L- uh....No. look, the stakes are too high. This is our one chance at Madris. The news threw me for a second, but I'm... I'm fine. I can do this.
There was a knock on the door.
W- yo finish up. We're landing.
T- (breaths deeply) okay. Lucy if you change your mind, you just say the word.
L- I will.
T- okay?
L- Mm-hmm
T- let's go.
Tim went towards the door but Lucy put her hand on his chest to stop him.
L- wait.
T- what?
L- we're supposed to be hooking up in here.
T- what?
Lucy sighs and grabbed Tim by his face again and started kissing him. Tim put his hands on Lucy's back. And than he moved it lower. As Lucy lowers  her hands from his face. Tim put his hand on her cheek. Lucy pulled away.
L- okay. Um...that's go-
Tim pulled her in for another kiss. He than started to kiss her neck. And he had left one hickey behind. When he pulled away, Lucy started to repeat what she had said before he pulled her in for another kiss. And she put Tim's blouse like he just put it back on. She also smudge the lipstick she may had left behind.
L- okay. I'm...that's good.
T- extra safety measures. To let it look the part.
Tim said but in the mean time he just needed to feel her on his lips again.
L- okay um. Yeah let's do this.

They deboarded the plane. And were now sitting in a SUV on the way to the hotel. Lucy looked trough the window. They both shared a couple of looks with each other. They had walked in the casino of the hotel. Tim and Lucy went away from the crew. Tim had set he wanted to gamble to see if he can get lucky a third time that day. So he went to sit a table where Angela and Aaron also were seated. They talked about what they knew about the gig. And Lucy asked about Rosalind. After that they received a burner phone from Angela. That way they could keep contact if needed and to exchange info.

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