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After they got the news a bit settled in, they went to bed. And cuddled for a while. It did keep them awake for an hour or two. Tim was the first one to wake up, he got dressed and went on a jog.

Lucy turned in the bed but was left with an empty spot. That meant Tim was already awake. She slowly opened her eyes. Lucy grabbed her phone and checked the time, it was 7.20am. She got up and went to the bathroom to go to the toilet and brush her teeth. But when she looked down in her underwear she saw some spotting. That was a common thing to happen during a pregnancy. Lucy knew that, she had the same with the twins. But experiencing this now it didn't give Lucy a good feeling. She went back to bed and noticed some blood stains on the bedding. She even started to get some cramps. She didn't wanted it to be a false test. She couldn't cope with it being false.

Tim came back home and came up to their room. He saw a crying Lucy, he immediately got to her side and hugged her. She tried to explain what happened but she couldn't form any words. Tim got a feeling that he understood what happened. He took her to the bathroom. He got the tub filled with warm water, and he removed their clothes and got in the tub.

Lucy finally relaxed being in Tim's arms and sitting in the warm water. Tim smothered her with kisses and tried to calm her. He got out and left Lucy to soak some more. He got Lucy's phone and called her OB to make an appointment. He eventually got an appointment made for the same day. He got the kids ready and brought them to school. While Lucy got herself slowly ready.

Arriving at the doctors office they had to wait a bit before the where situated in a room. They told what had happened and they ran some tests. They would get the results at the end of the day.

T- it will all be okay Luce. Even if it didn't work this time, we have enough time to try again. And don't forget about the beautiful kids we already have.
L- I know Tim, but I was getting so excited.
T- I know baby me too, but we still aren't sure yet.
L- I'm glad that we don't have to go into work today. Because if I had to work, I don't think I can keep my focus. While my mind trails of to the test results.
T- yea let's just spend all day in bed. Or just until we have to pick up Jace and Maya.
L- that's sounds like a great plan.

That was exactly what they did all day. They just laid there all cuddled up. They shared some comfortable silent moments but they also talked more about what they wanted in the future. Just as they had picked up Maya and Jace they got an call from the doctors office.

Lucy and Tim got to their room and picked up. But unfortunately they told them that Lucy wasn't pregnant. It broke them but mostly Lucy. They tried comforting each other with a hug. Jace came storming into the room.

Jace- can Maya and I go play with Jackson?

He then noticed his mom sobbing in his dads arms.

Jace- wha- uhm is something wrong?
T- nothing buddy, uhm mommy and I are just a bit tired. Yes, you and Maya may go play at Jackson's house. Listen to Angela and Wesley!

Jace left the room and ran to get Maya. And they went to Angela's house to play with Jackson.

Two weeks went by and Tim processed the whole situation a bit. But Lucy is still stuck in the disappointment. She acts like it isn't really hurting anymore. But deep down it is eating her form inside. And she did a good job at hiding her feelings for the rest of the world.

Tim and Lucy were sitting in the car. Tim was dropping Lucy off at the mall. She needed to get some clothes for the kids. Tim had to go to the station to do some paperwork, that is needed to be done.

T- call me when you are done, I love you.
L- okay, I love you too.

They leaned over the console and they kissed. Lucy got out of the car and entered the mall. Tim started to drive off to the station.

While Tim was driving he stayed focused on the roads. It was a 15 minute drive from the mall to the station. He was almost there. But out of nowhere there came a truck crashing into his side. It created a chain accident. Two other cars beside Tim's and the truck crashed. The truck that crashed into Tim quickly drove away.

Soon after the paramedics arrived and got everyone out safe. Tim was unconscious, he was hit pretty hard from the side and the back. He had an wound in his head from hitting his head. Tim also got a lot of bruising and a few cuts on his arm from the broken glass.

The paramedics got Tim situated on the gurney and in the ambulance. When they arrived at the hospital, Tim was stable. But he probably had some internal bleeding. He was rushed in to the OR and they had surgery to stop the bleeding.

Back at the scene the LAPD arrived. Smitty was called to the scene. After an hour of questioning witnesses. He finally came to the conclusion it was an hit and run. He called in detectives Lopez and Harper. When they arrived at the scene they immediately recognized Tim's truck.
A- Smitty, why didn't you say Tim was involved?
S- what why would Tim be involved?
N- this is literally his truck Smitty.
S- I didn't know, the first victim with the most injuries was already on his way to the hospital when I arrived.
A- okay I'm calling Lucy.
N- okay, smitty I need all your notes on the statements from the witnesses.

A- come on Luce pick u-
L- hey Ange, what's up? How is work, is Tim annoying you?
A- hi Lucy. Could you please come to the station?
L- sure what happened? Oh shit I forgot I don't have my car with me. Tim dropped me off at the mall before he headed in to grab some paperwork.
A- oh uhm I will come pick you up. Be there in a few.
L- alright see you then.

Angela and Nyla picked up Lucy after getting all the notes from Smitty. The whole car ride was silent. Angela and Nyla didn't know how to give the news. And well Lucy didn't realize that something very serious happened. At the station they immediately got Lucy situated in the break room. With the door locked and blinds closed.

L- guys you are scaring me a bit with how quiet and secretive you guys are.
N- okay uhm this is going to hit hard. But we don't know how to tell you.
A- Tim was in an accident. He was badly injured and is now in the hospital.
N- he has had surgery to stop the bleeding. But we don't really have an update. Last we heard was that he was in surgery.
A- but the reason we took you to the station is, because it wasn't an accident. A truck crashed into Tim and quickly drove away. But the impact was big, because the two cars behind Tim also crashed into him because of the accident.

Lucy was at a loss of words. How could this have happened and who would do such thing?

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