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Tim had put Lucy in her bed after she ate the soup he made. He tucked her in and walked away.
L- wait, don't leave, just not yet.
T- what is it Lucy?
L- I can't sleep just yet. So let's talk for a minute.
T- what do you want to talk about?
L- I don't know, is there something new or exciting happening in your life?
T- haha uhm yea sort of. I met someone.
L- oh uh ohh really. Tell me more.
T- her name is Lizzie and we met at the bar watching a game.
L- what does she do for work?
T- she is a daycare teacher.
L- ohh cool. I'm glad that you are moving on.
T- it is still very early. We haven't even had our first date yet. But you go to sleep. Get all the rest you can get.
L- yea yea. Th- thank you Tim, for everythi-

Lucy didn't finish her sentence because she already fell asleep.

T- no problem, everything for you Lucy Chen.
As time finished his sentence he gave her a kiss on her forehead and walked out of her room. When he approached the living room he reached for his phone. And he made a phone call, but it went to voicemail.
T- hey, I know you are probably still working. But I have to rain check on our date tomorrow. Something came up and I really need to take care of her- this. I wouldn't do this if it wasn't important. So uhm bye talk to your later.

He hung up the phone and just chilled on the couch until the kids arrived with Angela.
A- hey, how is she doing.
T- out like a light. She really is sick. So I already messaged grey that I will take care of her until she is better. And the kids of course.
A- yea sure, but-
T- but what?
A- just take care of your self, you just started to go out again. Since she is came back, you only are focused on her.
T- I know, but I want to spend time with my kids. And I'm still taking to Lizzie.
A- okay but still. Anyways I'm going home to my own kids and husband. Bye
T- bye, and thank you Ange.

Tim had fed the twins with his soup, and he brought them to bed a little later. He quickly checked on Lucy. But she was still sleeping. He went back to the living room and settled on the couch to go to sleep.

At 4am Tim woke up to some sounds from Lucy's room. He quickly walked up the stairs to check on Lucy. When he walked in he found Lucy all sweating. He walked to her bedside. But she sat up and threw up over herself. It was on her clothes, bedding and in her hair.
T- oh Luce, let's get you to the bathroom.
L- I'm sorry that you have to see me this way.
T- no worries Lucy.

Tim put Lucy in the bathtub.
T- Luce, I know you probably don't feel like it. But we have to get you out of these clothes.
L- ugh I'm to tired for this, can't you just do it.
T- uhh I mean if uh you are okay with.
L- yea yea sure, it's not like you haven't seen me naked yet.

Tim stripped Lucy out of her clothes. And he put the shower of the bath on. He rinsed all the puke of. He let Lucy stay in the bath for a few minutes, while he quickly changed the bedding for some clean bedding. He also had grabbed some clean clothes for Lucy. He helped her get dressed and brought her back to bed.

Tim had helped Lucy all week. He slept on her couch for four days, until she was better. He cared for their kids and brought them to school. Now Lucy was all better. That morning Tim had still slept at Lucy's but after their shift he would go home. They had arrived at the parking lot of the station when Tim heard his name being called.
Lizzie- Tim!
T- hey, what are you doing here? Don't you have to get to work?
Lizzie- yea I would be but I was getting worried.
L- oh hi, you must be Lizzie. Tim had told me about you.
Lizzie- hey, uhm
L- I'm Lucy, you are really pretty. I get why Tim is dating you.
Lizzie- uh I wouldn't call it dating just yet, because last week he canceled our date and after that I haven't heard of him for more than four days.
T- yea I'm sorry, I saw your text. I wanted to reply, but I was busy.
L- wait four days you said. Tim really. I told that you could leave me, I can take care of myself.
Lizzie- oh so he was with you?
L- yea sorry about that. I had a cold and a high fever. So he took care of me. But I already told him. That I could also take care of myself.
T- I know that Lucy, but someone had to take care of Maya and Jace.
L- yea and I'm grateful for that. But you didn't have to ghost your girlfriend for me.
Lizzie- I'm sorry who are Maya and Jace?
T- she isn't my girlfrien- Maya and Jace are our kids.
Lizzie- wait Lucy is your ex? And you have kids?
T- not really we, we didn't really date. And yes the kids are ours.
Lizzie- I'm sorry Tim, I really like you. But I'm not really looking for anything complicated. Bye Tim.
T- wha- uhm okay. Bye Lizzie.
L- seriously Tim, you are just going to let her leave like that.
T- let's go Lucy, we need to get to work. And it wasn't that serious. And I'm still- never mind. Just get to work.

They went to work, and after hours of hard work. It was lunch time. Angela and Lucy met up at the food trucks.
A- so feeling all better now?
L- ugh yess, I hated it so much. Tim even had to shower me, because I was all sweating and covered in puke in the middle of the night.
A- oh really, and he was okay with that.
L- I think so, it's not like he haven't seen it all. But I feel so guilty right now.
A- why?
L- he canceled his date with Lizzie for me. And this morning they unofficially broke up. Because Lizzie thought he was being to complicated.
A- wait what?
L- yea, after she was worried about Tim, because he ghosted her. This morning she realized he took care of me. And that we had kids together.
A- I think he still whipped because of you.
L- you think so? Because I've been thinking-
A- yea ever since you came back. He dumped his other girlfriend, and now he drops Lizzie for you. Wait, what were you saying?
L- I've been thinking about him. And I think I forgot how Tim is, and seeing him with our kids. After so many years, I think my feelings are coming back.
A- oh my god!!! You have to tell Tim.

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