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It's been two months since the first family day they had. After that day Tim and Lucy had decided to do this every Sunday. The kids loved having Tim in their lives. He went to the daddy daughter dance with Maya. And played baseball with Jace. They had even discussed having the kids stay over at Tim's house for a few days. But he wanted to have their rooms ready before they stayed over. Tim and Lucy's friendship was stronger than ever. They really enjoyed each others company when the kids were laying in bed.

L- hey, you still in for movie night tonight?
T- yea of course. Should I pick the kids up and maybe get some snacks on the way?
L- yes that would be perfect. I will see you at the house.

Tim went to pick up the kids. And Lucy just arrived at her house. It was pouring outside. She wanted to stay in the car until the sky cleared, but it wouldn't for a while. So she grabbed her bag and got out of the car. She walked to her door, to realize she left her key in the car. Next to her car keys. She had no way of getting in her car or in the house. Angela was having dinner at her mothers with all her brothers. And she was the only one with a spare key. So she only had one option, to wait until Tim arrived.

Lucy was cold and all wet because of the rain. She was sitting in the rain for almost 40 minutes. She was so relieved to see Tim's truck pulling up.
T- hey what are you doing sitting in the rain?
L- locked my self out, house keys and car keys are still in my locked car.
T- okay, uhm kids stay in my car. And you come sit in my truck. I don't care if you are wet. You will become sick if you stay outside longer.

Lucy climbed into Tim's truck.
L- so what's your plan?
T- calling Angela where she has your spare key. I have a spare key if her house so that way I could get us inside.

That was exactly what Tim did. And it worked. That was the moment Lucy realized that it would be probably be a good idea to give the father of her kids a spare key. While Tim was putting the kids in their pyjama's. Lucy was getting showered and in her pyjama. She just excited the bathroom wrapped in a towel. When she bumped in to Tim.
T- I was going to ask you, if you wanted some tea. I'm sorry. It could have waited.
L- oh ohhh uhm no problem, yes I would love some tea. I'm still freezing.

That was Tim's cue to leave. She got ready and headed to the living room. The twins had picked out a movie. They chose for Disney's rapunzel. Maya and Jace had claimed the whole couch. Leaving the loveseat for Tim and Lucy. They all sat down with some snacks and watched the movie. Soon time started to notice Lucy shivering. He gave her a blanket and scooted a bit closer to give her his body heat. The twins fell asleep, and Tim had brought them to their bed.
T- I should probably go. We have an early shift tomorrow.
L- yes uhm thanks for carrying them to bed. And thanks for warming me up.
T- no problem at all. You should probably go to sleep. You need all the rest you can get, because I think you are starting to get a cold.
L- yea I think so too. Good night. And see you tomorrow.
T- yes good night.

It was the next morning, Lucy was still sound asleep. She woke up with a shock. Her twins were standing next to her bed, waking their mom.
M-mommy wake up. We have to go to school.
J- are we going to be late?
M- mommy
L- huh what...what time is it? Why is my phone buzzing so much. Ugh it hurts everywhere.
J- the clock is at the 8? Are we late for school?
L- what 8.....omg it's 08.25am we are late. Fuck.
M- what does fuck mean?
L- uhm not now Maya, and you can't say that.
J- why? Fuck fuck fuck.
L- Jace West Chen do you want to go on your iPad tonight. Then I would stop saying that. Now both hurry up and get ready. And who is calling me!

Lucy grabs her phone: seeing 5 missed calls from Angela, 3 missed calls from Nyla, 3 missed calls from John, 5 missed calls from grey and 10 missed calls from Tim. She called Tim first, he was he last missed call.
T- Lucy! Are you okay? Are you with the twins?
L- yes Tim, easy! We are fine we just overslept. I'm on my way to the station. (She coughs)
T- okay good. You scared the shit out of me. I will update everyone.
L- yea okay see you later (she sniffles)

She quickly got herself and the twins ready, dropped them off at school and went to the station. She was walking towards the changing room when she walked in to grey.
G- good- oh uhm morning Chen.
L- (she sneezes) morning sarge.
G- are you feeling alright?
L- yes, just getting a bit of a cold. But everything is fine.
T- oh you really don't look fine Lucy.
L- woah way to be nice Tim.
T- no I mean it Lucy, you are sick. It's not a little cold you have.

He puts his hand on her forehead to feel her temperature.
T- woah nope you are going home. You have a fever.
G- yes I second what Tim says. Go home Chen, rest.
L- no I'm not going home, until I drop on the floor or you are really forcing me.
G- Bradford, force her to her bed. You are also getting the day off. Lucy needs someone to take care of her.
T- yes sir. Okay Lucy, I'm quickly getting changed and then I will drive you home.

After Tim changed and drove them to her house. He put her to bed. Made some tea. And he ordered some groceries for a homemade soup. He had arranged for Angela to pick up the kids and drop them off. So he could fully focus on taking care of Lucy.

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