New chance

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Lucy was brought to the hospital. Soon after Lucy released Tim from her hold, the paramedics arrived. Luckily Lucy didn't need surgery, she was beaten up pretty bad, and lastly she was strangled till she couldn't breath. The doctor explained everything to Lucy and Tim in her hospital room.
T- when will she be discharged?
Doc- that would be later tonight.
T- okay thank you very much.

The doctor left the room, they could finally talk about this whole situation.

L- so uhm...
T- did you mean what you said?
L- of course, I think a part of me never stopped having feelings for you. And almost dying today made me realize that was what I was feeling last couple weeks. Wasn't just my lack of sex, or my hormones playing a game with me. Seeing you with the kids, our kids.
T- speaking of the kids, who is going to pick them up?
L- oh Angela is going to pick them up. I already arranged that this morning.
T- what you already knew we couldn't pick them up tonight (he chuckled)
L- no I was really in denial this morning. And I came to the decision that I was going to have a one night stand tonight to stop my hormones playing with me.
T- but you don't do one night stands.
L- I know I was very desperate okay. The keyword 'was'!
T- so what makes you not that desperate now?
L- knowing that I love you, and that explains all my feelings.
T- I'm glad you realized you love me before tonight, even seen the situation.
L- do you love me?
T- yes, I love you.

Lucy and Tim shared a sweet kiss.

L- so what does this mean?
T- I hope it means that I'm your boyfriend.
L- okay because I was hoping for that too.
T- and as your boyfriend I'm inviting myself over for the week.
L- I'd love that, but why?
T- you need to rest, and we need to make up for lost time.
L- how can I get my rest when we are having sex to make up for lost time?
T- oh you don't get to have sex with me till the end of the week. For now you get all the cuddles and kisses.
L- aw really that's a bummer. But if it means you get to sleep next to me and give me cuddles. I can wait till the end of the week.

Angela had picked up the twins, she also got some clothes from Lucy's house. She decided to give them the night off. A lot had happened today and they could use the night with only them two. When Angela arrived home with the twins she send a text to Tim saying the twins will be sleeping over.

Tim came back in Lucy's room with a wheelchair.

T- come on, let's get you home.
L- really in a wheelchair. I am still capable to walk.
T- I don't care. I'm not risking it. Oh and we have the night to ourselves.
L- what?
T- Angela picked up some clothes for the twins, she said they are staying over at her house.
L- okay, I'm happy I don't have to share you tonight.
T- you are in luck, all cuddles are for you tonight.
L- good, now gimme a kiss.
T- someone is needy.
L- well duh, I finally have my man. And I'm not planning on not kissing and hugging you all week. So yea I'm needy.

Tim gave Lucy an agreeing nod and gave her a peck on the lips, before he wheeled her to the car. He helped Lucy getting in his truck and gave her a kiss on her cheek. Tim quickly brought the wheelchair back and they drove off to Lucy's house.

It didn't take them very long to arrive at Lucy's house, with a quick stop at Tim's house for some clothes. When Tim and Lucy walked in Lucy's bedroom Lucy fell on the bed, tired of the day.

T- let's get you in some comfy clothes before you fall asleep.
L- but I'm so tired. I can't move. It hurts when I move (she pouted)
T- oh baby, I will help you.

Tim sat Lucy up and he took her shirt off. He placed a few kisses on her neck, shoulder and stomach. He then moved to her pants and taking them off and kissing her legs when they got exposed. He put her pyjama pants on for her. He looked at Lucy to get permission to remove her bra. She gave him a lazy nod. And with her confirmation he removed her bra and put her pyjama shirt on for her. After she was ready for bed he put his pyjama on. When he was done he joined Lucy in bed and put her on his chest.

L- mmh you are the best pillow ever.
T- shut up and go to sleep.
L- I just need a few more cuddles and kisses.
T- only because it's you.

They cuddled for a while and Tim gave Lucy one last kiss.
T- good night Luce
L- good night Timothy!
T- you really got to stop calling me that.

Tim didn't get an reaction back, all he could hear was Lucy's soft breathing as she was sleeping. He cuddled her closer and not long after he also fell asleep.

Tim's alarm went off, he forgot to turn it off.
L- ughhhh do we have to wake up?
T- no I'm sorry, I already turned it off.
L- good because I wanna be like this for just a few hours before our kids come home.

Tim showered Lucy in little kisses before pulling her in closer and embracing her with his arms. They stayed like that for two hours. Until they woke up by Tim's phone, again.
L- ugh what is it now?
T- oh it's Angela calling.
L- what, is something wrong with the twins?

T- hey ange, is something wrong?
A- no nothing is wrong. The kids just want to go home and see their mother.
T- oh okay, can you give us an hour? And then we will pick them up.
A- ohh it is us now? So you guys are dating for real now!
T- yea yea, we are and we just want to enjoy it just being us two till we have two kids around.
A- yes okay see you in an hour. If you are late i will personally walk down the street and drop them off myself. They won't stop asking when they are going home.
T- okay thank you.

L- are the kids being difficult?
T- just a little bit, but let's have breakfast and get ready. We have to pick them up in an hour.
L- okay okay, I'm coming.
T- what do you want for breakfast?
L- ohh you know I missed your pancakes.
T- I will make you pancakes and you my love just stay in bed until they are ready.
L- really? That's why I love you.

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