Stupid hormones

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L- I know but how? Like you said he just started dating again, he stopped having feelings for me.
A- I didn't say that! Yes he started dating again. But his feelings for you are not gone. Just talk to him.
L- okay I will, soon. I just need some time. I need to process my own feelings. A few months ago I was ready to marry Blake.

The detectives went back to work. After shift Tim went to his own home. And Lucy picked up the kids and also went home. After eating and putting the kids to bed, she watched some tv. But when it was time for her to go to bed. She couldn't fall asleep. She was thinking about Tim, and her feelings for him. How she was going to tell him.

After a few hours of turning she fell asleep. While sleeping Lucy felt hot. She got out of her pyjama shorts. Now laying only in her underwear and tank top. She turned to the other side and cuddled up to Tim. Wait that isn't right. Tim, he wasn't here. Or was he?
T- hey Lucy. Are you feeling a bit hot?
L- uh yea?
T- I can help with that.
Tim started kissing her all over her body. Starting at her neck, moving lower. He then started kissing her thighs, moving in between her thighs. And slowly moving his kisses a bit higher.
L- you know, you are not really helping.

Tim put her tank top aside and grabbed her breast. He continued kissing her. Just at the right spot. He put her panties to the side, and started to go down on her.
L- Tim, aahh I- we ahh the kids.
Tim didn't listen he continued what he was doing and even put his fingers inside of her. Lucy enjoyed this moment very much. But at that moment she sat up with her eyes wide. Her alarm went off. Tim was nowhere near Lucy. And she can't believe she dreamed about this. How can she go to work with this dream in the back of her head.

Lucy got the kids ready for school, and herself ready for work. She dropped them off and went to work. On her way to work. She came to the decision to not tell Tim, just yet. It is probably her hormones playing with her. She hasn't had sex since she moved here. And that was 5 months ago. When she saw Tim taking care of her and their kids her hormones started playing games on her and making her horny. She can't act out because of her hormones.

A few weeks went by. Lucy didn't tell Tim, she even tried to avoid him the best she could. But because he is the father of her kids. She still has to see him frequently. She still had dreams about Tim once or twice..... a night. But she just shook it off.

L- ange, can the kids please stay with you tonight?
A- sure, why? Finally gonna tell Tim tonight?
L- uh no, I have decided that it was more my hormones acting up. Because I haven't had freaking sex in 6 months now. And seeing him like that, taking care of me and our kids. It just did something. So I need to get laid tonight. And even if I don't do them normally. I'm going to have a one night stand tonight.
A- wow uhm good morning to you too. But really, I don't think it is just your hormones. But you need to see it yourself. Okay I will pick them up after shift.

Now that was settled Lucy got straight to work. Today Nyla and Angela were working on another case. So Lucy worked alone for today. She was working on a lead. She was getting so close. She knew she wasn't supposed to follow a lead alone. But seeing that she was so close, she didn't want to lose time because she had to wait. She took matters in to her own hands and followed the lead up, alone.

When she arrived at the scene, she started to regret it. It was a creepy house. When she had checked the house and it turned out clear. She could rest her thoughts a bit more. But she still had a bad feeling about this. Her phone went off and that made her startle. It was grey calling.
G- Chen where are you?
L- I was following a lead, but it turns out a dead end. I know I was supposed to wait, but I was getting so close. I'm on my way ba-
G- Chen? Hello. Chen do you copy!

The last thing Grey heard was his phone beeping because of the line being ended. He immediately alarmed the whole station. Everyone was working on getting Lucy back save. Angela and Nyla were searching her desk for the location of her lead.

It took them an hour to find the location. And when she wasn't there, it took them two hours to follow the car, she was dragged in. They arrived at the scene, with Tim leading. He spotted Lucy and immediately ran to her. She was laying on the floor unconscious.
T- her pulse is weak.
G- the paramedics are on their way.
T- she is not breathing. I'm starting CPR!

Tim started doing CPR, it gave him flashbacks to Lucy's abduction. And just like then he brought her back to life. She was breathing again. And he hold her tight, she was crying in his arms.
T- don't ever do that again Luce. I can't lose you.
L- I'm sorry Tim. I love you.
T- I love you too Lucy, you are my best friend and the mother of my children.
L- No, I love you more than my best friend.

Tim was too stunned to speak, he thought he was hallucinating. He couldn't of heard it right. His thoughts were interrupted by Lucy kissing him.

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