Anthony Banda

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You had been bursting with excitement as you walked into Dodger Stadium with your family. The sun was shining brightly, casting a golden hue over the iconic ballpark. This family game had been planned for weeks and you were excited to see your favorite team play and spend some time with all of your family.

You and your family made their way through the entrance, passing by the bustling crowds and colorful merchandise stands. “Alright, everyone,” your mom said, trying to keep the group together. “Let’s get some food and then find our seats. We’ve got plenty of time before the game starts.”

You guys stopped by the concession stand, where the aroma of freshly grilled hot dogs and popcorn filled the air. With their hands full of snacks, they headed towards their seats.

As you guys walked through the stadium, you couldn’t help but take in the sights and sounds of the stadium. The energy was palpable, with fans decked out in Dodger blue, chatting excitedly about the upcoming game. They passed by various attractions until you guys finally located your seats.

“Can we pretty please go see the bullpen,” one of your younger cousins suggested. “We might catch a glimpse of the pitchers warming up.”

"Y/N, do you think you can take your cousins to the bullpen please" your tia asked

Your eyes lit up at the idea. “Yes, I'll take them" you got up "let’s go!”

You guys made their way down to the bullpen, where a small crowd had already gathered. Fans were leaning over the railing, shouting and waving in hopes of getting the attention of the players below. The relievers were going through their warm-up routines, throwing pitches and stretching.

You and your younger cousins found a spot by the railing and leaned over, you scanned the bullpen, trying to spot any familiar faces. You saw Alex Vesia, Michael Grove, Blake Treinen,  and Anthony Banda. He was in the middle of his warm-up, his focus intense as he prepared for the game.

“Hey, Anthony! Over here!” a fan shouted, waving a glove in the air. “Throw us a ball!”

Anthony glanced up and smiled, but it wasnt until he saw you that his expression changed. He paused for a moment, as if contemplating something, he motioned for one of the pitching coaches to bring him a pen, writing something on the ball then he pointed directly at you.

“Catch this!” he called out, a grin spreading across his face.

Anthony wound up and tossed the ball up towards you. You reached out and, with a bit of a scramble, managed to catch it.

You looked down at the ball in your hands, your fingers brushing over the smooth surface. Something caught you eye, and she turned the ball around to find a phone number written on it. Your eyes widened in surprise, and you looked back down at Anthony, who gave you a wink before returning to his warm-up.

One of your cousins was bouncing with excitement. “That’s so cool! You got a ball from Anthony Banda, look at the ball I got”

You couldn’t stop smiling as you tucked the ball safely into your bag. The rest of the day passed in a blur of excitement and joy. The Dodgers played an incredible game ending in a victory for them, and you found yourself constantly glancing at the ball.

Later that night, after your family had gone to bed, you sat on your bed and pulled out the ball again. You stared at the number, debating whether to text it or not. Taking a deep breath, you decided to go for it, typing out a simple message and hit send.

“Hey, it’s Y/N from the game today. Thanks for the ball"

A few minutes later, her phone buzzed with a reply.

“Hey, Y/N! I'm Glad you caught it, and was wondering if you would like to hang out and get to know each other”

Yoj smiled to herself. It had been an incredible day, one you knew you'd never forget.

Requested by @Morgan233669

Sorry for such a long wait, I was on trip and had a little writer's block but feel free to leave any or more requests for me to write.

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