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Y/n's P.O.V
"Okay, Y/n, time to replace your IV." The nurse said, taking my old IV and replacing it with a new one.

"Now, it's almost dinner time. Do you want anything specific?" She asks me.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "I'd rather not eat, hospital food is sh##ty."

"Don't be like that, I'll put on your favorite show for you." She put on Lego Monkie Kid on the TV before leaving.

My eyes looked toward the TV, watching it closely. This show has always been my favorite and the only thing that comforts me.

I wish so badly to go outside and see the sun, but my body won't let me.

A few years ago, something was wrong with my muscles, so I went to the hospital.

That's when they diagnosed me with Muscle Dystrophy. A condition where my muscles stop working, and I'm a greater risk for other things as well.

So, from that moment, I was admitted to the hospital ever since, and the more I was there, that's when my body just stopped moving and working properly.

I've lost track of the years I've been here. All I've been doing is laying in a hospital bed, watching my comfort show, while being fed disgusting hospital food while doctors prick needles in me to keep my life going.

I know it's bad to kill yourself, but I just want my suffering to end. I'm tired of laying here all alone, no friends or family to even visit me.

Because of this, I've lost every opportunity in life. I never even got to fall in love.

I'm just slowly wasting away in this hospital bed until my life ends.

Soon, I hope for my suffering to end, and I can rest in peace. I may die young, but that's what happens when you have something like I do.

Some die young, and some don't. That's just the way the cookie crumbles, and this cookie is at its limits.

I peacefully watched the TV, smiling as I watched LMK. I was on season 4, episode 2.

The episode was just beginning, showing The Brotherhood, Monkey King, and Macaque were all laughing together, so full of life and happy.

"I wish I could be happy like that." I closed my eyes, hearting the beeps of my heart monitor.

*Beep* *Beep*


The last thing I saw was my nurse and some doctors running to my side before my vision faded to black.

Finally, I can be at peace.

"Y/n, Y/n, Y/n!" A voice shouted to me.

I gasped, opening my eyes.

"You alright, Y/n?" A voice asks me.

I turn my head, my eyes widening at the sight of a familiar black-furred monkey, a lion, an elephant, a bird, and a bull.

What the heck is this?! I'm supposed to be dead!

I'm supposed to be at peace. At peace and dead, not whatever this is.

"Y/n, are you doing okay? You're kinda spacing out." Macaque, from the show Lego Monkie Kid, said to me.

I don't know whether to be overwhelmed or excited.

"Y/n?" Macaque says, waiting for an answer.

"Oh, I um, I'm fine, I'm just nervous." I chuckled nervously.

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