A Hero Is Born

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Y/n's P.O.V
As I slept, I felt a furry hand slap my face.

I groaned, opening my eyes, and what I saw was one of the monkeys slapping my face.

"Peanut, my boy, could you stop that?" I asked the monkey.

Seeing I was awake, Peanut jumped off of me.

I sighed, trying to sit up, but then realized I had a bunch of monkeys sleeping on me, specifically sleeping on my chest.

I sat up, making the sleeping monkeys on me scatter. "Time to get up."

Peanut climbed on my shoulders, snuggling against my face.

"Yes, good morning to you too, now who wants some breakfast?" I asked the little monkey.

Peanut's eyes lit, chittering happily.

I gave a small smile. "Good, now round up the others so they can eat too."

I was in the kitchen, cooking breakfast for me and the monkeys.

Unlike my male counterpart, I don't use my hair to make food. I make actual food instead of making bits, and pieces of my hair look like food.

Thousands of years have gone by, and so much has happened.

After what happened with Macaque, and...

I accidentally dropped my spoon as I cooked.

I picked it back up, clutching it tight.

More things happened, like Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan getting married, then they had their son, Redson, but that was when the Samadhi Fire was created.

I remember that day very clearly.

I had accidentally slipped, and a piece of the fire got away from me, trapping itself in Ao Lie, but thankfully, the rings were made, and the Samadhi Fire was split.

I also remember that months later, when Ao Lie decided to have a family of own, he asked for me to come over and look at something for him.
(Flashback begins)

"Ao Lie, good to see you againm" I entered the room where he was standing over a crib, distraught on his face.

Ao Lie snapped out of his trance, looking at me. "Y/n, you made it, I need you to look at this." He gestures to the crib.

I looked over the crib at his sleeping child, my eyes widening at the sight of a small red glow on the child's chest. "What is this?"

"The piece of the fire that got away from you and hit me, it passed down to her." Ao Lie gestures to the child.

"That means there's four rings. We have to tell somebody about this." I looked at him.

"No, we can't." He looked at me with a pleading expression. "You have to promise me to keep this a secret and tell no one."

I sighed, giving him a hug. "I promise."

(Flashback ends)

Many years after that, I had to seal DBK under a mountain with my staff.

Even to this day, I could never understand why he attacked that village. I was left with no choice but to stop him.

That was 500 years ago. Trapping him under a mountain look that reminded me of how I was trapped.

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