Bad Weather

909 57 57

Y/n's P.O.V
Another beautiful to be woken up by the monkeys sleeping on your chest.

I struggled to get up, because Chongo was still sitting on my chest.

"Chongo, buddy, I love you, but you're a chonky boy, please get off me." I breathed out.

Chongo chitters, getting off my and scampering away.

Breakfast was quickly made as I sat and ate, thinking back to the last week's events.

DBK was free, MK lifted up my staff, lost the staff, came to Flower Fruit Mountain to meet me, I told him that he is now my successor, then he complained about DBK, then I told him to believe in himself.

He created the Monkey Mech and beat DBK.

MK's a sweet boy, but he's gonna need a lot of training.

Why? Because one of his powers is invincibility, and the last time I checked on him, he had Mei drop a wrecking ball on him.

I feel like something is suppose to happen today.

I snapped my fingers. "Oh right, Redson is about take over the Weather Station."

I turned my head to the TV, to see that it already happened.

"Correction, did." I told myself.

I was already outside the Weather Station, waiting at the bottom for MK to fall out the window.

Right on time, MK came faling down from the top, creating a vrater in the ground.

"How you doing there, bud?" I stood over him on my cloud.

MK gets up, shaking his head. "Monkey Queen! Great! Now that you're here, we can go fly up there and smash that--."

I stopped him mid-scentence. "No, no, no, no, no. In case you forgot, I'm retired. You're supposed to be taking care of the bad guys. Besides, you're invincible! Right?"

MK rubs the back of his head. "Well, yeah I mean, I am invincible, but, you know. Every time I try to do anything I just gunk everything up. Something's wrong."

I get on MK's shoulders, making him confused.

"Hey, what are you doing?" MK asks me.

I grabbed him by the face. "Oh yeah, you're right. Oh, this is bad. Something's really wrong."

MK gasps. "What is it? What's wrong?"

"It's you, kiddo." I told him.

"What?" MK said.

"In order to have full control of your powers, you need self-confidence." I explained to him.

"I got self-confidence!" MK said to me.

"No, you're just loud. The only way to get self-confidence is--."

MK interrupts me. "Fake it 'til I make it?"

"No! Practice! You think I took shortcuts? No. It took me centuries of training and fighting and just beating up demons. Just, so many demons. A-anyway, nothing worth anything comes for free." I explained to him, fixing the frown on my face before MK could see it.

And some of those demons I wish I never had to face.

"But what about my friends, the city? They're all counting on me." MK said desperately.

I groaned. "Fine. If it'll stop your whining. I know a way to limit your powers so you can learn to control them. But..."

"But what?" He asks.

"You won't be invincible anymore." I told him.

MK sighs. "Alright, let's do it."

"All right. No turning back." I put my hands together, and put them in front of MK, a golden sigil appearing.

I pushed MK back, limiting his powers.

MK fell to his knees, holding his chest.

I leaned down to him. "Feeling alright, bud?"

"Yeah!" MK said confidentially.

I transformed into a bird and flew MK back up to the Weather Station.

Back on Flower Fruit Mountain, inwas in my bathroom, soaking in the water and bubbles to relax and get cleaned.

MK had saved the day, even if he wasn't invincible anymore.

I was proud of him for it too. Real soon, we'll start some training.

I reached for my peach-scented body wash, but it wasn't there. The only body wash there was, wasc plum-scented.

"Huh?" I grabbed it. "I didn't put this there, one of the monkeys must be pranking me again."

I grabbed the plum-scented body wash so I could continue my bath.

When I was done, my pink bath robe was no where to be seen, only a purple one with black accents.

I wrapped myself in the back and purple bath robe. "I'm going to have to talk to the monkeys about pranking me again."

Walking into the living room and sitting on the couch to watch some TV, all my little monkey friends either sat on my lap, shoulders, head, or my chest.

My chest seemed to be Chongo's favorite spot, because that's where he was sitting.

Peanut and Peach's were sitting on my shoulders. Plum and Coconut were on my lap, and Banana was on my head.

Tangerine was just sitting beside me, eating a banana.

I just let them be, relaxing as we watched TV together.

I'll have a talk with them about the pranking me again later.

A/n-So, it's quite obvious who switched out the body wash and robe, ask any questions you want about that, in the comments or my message board ok my profile. I know I said last chapter, that this was going to be short, but it's 170 word short from 1000, but as long as it ain't 500 and below, I am completely fine.

Have a good day or night.

Next Up: Impossible Delivery.

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