Preparing For Battle

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Y/n's P.O.V
I felt the wind flow past me as I stood on the beach of Flower Fruit Mountain.

The breeze was fresh, smelling like rain scattering in the wind.

The ocean's water crashed against the beach, the peaceful noise of waves hitting each time.

I knocked my shoes off my feet, feeling the sand between my toes.

I never got to feel the sand on my feet before or the ocean crashing against the land, or even hear the breeze as it hits my face.

"Y/n, there you are."

I turn to see Macaque running to me.

"Macaque." I smile at him. "What are you doing here?"

"Just wanted to spend some time with you." He wrapped his arm around my waist.

"But we spend time together every day. We live on Flower Fruit Mountain together, and we see each other every day." I chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, but I like it when I'm with you." He said to me, brushing a strand of hair out of my face. "I've been wanting to tell you something."

"Yes..." I blinked, but when I opened my eyes, I was in an empty black, soulless void.

"Macaque, where'd you go?"

I'd search around the black void for what felt like hours.

"Please, anybody." I called out. "I don't want to be left alone."

I woke up with a gasp, immediately being met with a giant headache.

"Ow! Ooohhh! Massive hangover!" I groaned in pain, sitting up in bed.

I held my head in my hands, massaging it. I froze, hearing snores beside me.

I slowly turned my head, looking at the figure that was lying beside me.

My eyes instantly widened at the sight of Macaque laying next to me.

What is he doing here? What happened last night?

Okay, let's see what I can remember.

We were celebrating before the big battle today, and then I got into a drinking competition with DBK. I won, but I was too drunk to stand or walk.

The next thing that happened was Macaque carrying me to bed. When he was about to leave, I grabbed his tail and pulled him into bed with me.

"Oh no." My face turned red, lifting up the blanket that was covering us, and thankfully, our clothes were still on. "Phew, our clothes are still on."

I threw my legs over the edge of the bed, standing up. "Maybe some training time will help me get over this hangover. We need it, especially for today."

The sun had barely yet risen as I plucked out a few hairs of mine, creating clones of myself.

I summoned my staff, spinning it around. "Alright ladies, let's see what you can do."

Thankfully, when I was reincarnated in this world, I thought that when I fought or trained, I wouldn't know how to do any of that, but thanks to muscle memory, my body remembered every movement.

I poofed one of my clones with my staff, then I tossed one at the cave wall, and I kicked another, Watchung each clone burst into a pile of hair.

"You're up early. Usually, you'd get up if it's something important."

I jumped at the sight of Azure Lion.

"Oh, Azure. Well, I mean, preparing for this big assault against the Celestial Realm is important." I told him.

"You are right about." Azure sighs, looking at me. "I know you can do this. You inspired all of us to follow you, and we will be right behind you, my queen." Azure bowed.

"Heh." I laughed nervously. "I'll do my best."

Once everyone was up, we started preparing for battle.

Azure- "Any moment now, my queen."

Azure- "Believe me, we know, we've sunk pretty low, but whatever we've done, they deserve."

Azure gestured to the sky, a warring expression on his face.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

Azure- "They see us as the bad guys, that's fine, it's no fault of ours, and some justice at last will be served."

"Azure, maybe we should rethink this." I looked at him, and to the rest of The Brotherhood as they prepared for battle.

Azure paid no mind to my words as he kept singing.

Azure- "Now it's time to step up or it's time to back down, and there's only one answer for us. And our queen will lead us into a glorious fight. And we're ready, we're ready, we're ready. Ready as we'll ever be."

I summoned my staff, looking towards the Brotherhood and Macaque with a confident expression, but inside, I was terrified.

Macaque grabbed my hand, and I instantly calmed down.

I held my staff up.

Me- "Now it's time to rise up or it's time to stand down, and the answer is easy to see."

I pointed my staff to the sky.

Me- "And I swear by my staff if you're in get on board. Are you ready?"

Macaque- "I'm ready.

Yellowtusk, DBK, and Peng- "We're ready. (We're ready.)

Me- "Ready as we'll ever be."

As we prepared for battle, I looked at an armor stand where my golden armor sat.

Macaque approached me, frowning.

Macaque- "Are you quite sure we can do this?"

The frown I wore turned to a weak smile.

Me- "Together, we will guarantee."

Once my armor was on, Yellowtusk prepared the spell to teleport us to the Celestial Realm.

Azure- "We'll make them hear us. (Now it's time to redeem, or it's time to resolve.)

Yellowtusk teleported us, and we stood in front of the Jade Emperor's palace, Celestial Armies, Nezha, and Princess Iron Fan waiting for us.

I looked at Macaque and the others.

Me- "Prove they can trust me. (And the outcome will hardly come free.) I'll save my home and family."

We all approached the palace, weapons in hand.

All of us- "Now the line's in the sand and our moments at hand."

Me- "And I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready."

I gulped, pointed my staff at the palace.

Me- "Ready as I'll ever be."


A/n-And the battle begins.

Have a good day or night.

Next Up: Battle And The Punishment.

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